A change of pace in terms of your running pace will give you strength psychologically.
– Bill Rodgers
Actually neither extreme of weather is a positive for the easiest most beneficial training.
– Bill Rodgers
Age 50 is a lot tougher than 40s.
– Bill Rodgers
Aging is one for all to observe and we will all be challenged by that force.
– Bill Rodgers
Aim high and celebrate that!
– Bill Rodgers
Aiming for the marathon is a task of sorts which can include terrific highs and lows.
– Bill Rodgers
Almost all the races are fund-raisers now.
– Bill Rodgers
Always take the long term view and train and race smart, with a bit of caution.
– Bill Rodgers
Being a runner means you are now free to win and lose and live life to its fullest.
– Bill Rodgers
But running is a year-round sport and you train for all conditions, so you sort of have to be mentally prepared, physically sort of used to it.
– Bill Rodgers
Cross-country is a wonderful but exhilarating and very challenging read tough sport.
– Bill Rodgers
Don't worry, every one slows over time and I recall running slower at 43 than at 40.
– Bill Rodgers
Every race is totally different.
– Bill Rodgers
Experiment with changing your pace in those runs, especially long runs when you feel strong.
– Bill Rodgers
Explore changing your speed one day per week.
– Bill Rodgers
Having your goal to focus on is key, but don't let it become more important than your excellence next year and the year after.
– Bill Rodgers
Hills are terrific for running.
– Bill Rodgers
However, I am a big believer in lots of 10ks to half marathon racing to get your legs marathon ready-combined with long runs on non-race weekends.
– Bill Rodgers
I also feel it usually takes 4 or 5 races to hit your best marathon for your body to be accustomed to the training AND the race itself.
– Bill Rodgers
I always have loved running, since I was 15, so there is no difference for me that way.
– Bill Rodgers
I always say if the marathon is a part-time interest, you will only get part-time results.
– Bill Rodgers
I am a convenience King. That is, I'll do a workout if its in reach.
– Bill Rodgers
I believe 100 per cent in continued running after 40, and racing too, if one so desires.
– Bill Rodgers
I believe in gradual experimentation with running shoes.
– Bill Rodgers
I believe in keeping running simple and, in regard to shoes, that would mean no gimmicks, unnecessary cushioning, etc.
– Bill Rodgers
I believe in light shoes for every runner.
– Bill Rodgers
I believe you'll develop speed via strength work which includes hill running, either repeats, or running hilly courses as the Kenyans do on a steady basis.
– Bill Rodgers
I do believe eating smart will lead to superior efforts over the long haul.
– Bill Rodgers
I do think light weights are helpful, as would be pushups, abdominal work-and stretching or a bit of swimming.
– Bill Rodgers
I have never met anyone who doesn't slow down as they go 40 and over!
– Bill Rodgers
I like rain, actually.
– Bill Rodgers
I often lose motivation, but its something I accept as normal.
– Bill Rodgers
I ran my fastest marathon in the rain.
– Bill Rodgers
I seem to notice every five years or so I get a notch slower.
– Bill Rodgers
I think today the difference in the marathon today is people train more for the final 10K, the final miles of the marathon.
– Bill Rodgers
I usually get side-aches when I am really tired and or when I am not quite warmed up.
– Bill Rodgers
I want to run until I can't run.
– Bill Rodgers
If you want to win a race you have to go a little berserk.
– Bill Rodgers
In my opinion, there's too much emphasis on just the long run in preparing for the marathon.
– Bill Rodgers
It's a different thing whether to keep going to races, but I've always loved racing.
– Bill Rodgers
It's all self-imposed, this racing hard stuff, at least for me.
– Bill Rodgers
It's the only reason that I wouldn't run, if I absolutely couldn't run.
– Bill Rodgers
Lastly, races bring a lot of energy into your focus on running, and are (usually) a good time.
– Bill Rodgers
Let your running lead you to your diet.
– Bill Rodgers
My biggest weakness as a endurance athlete has been in not drinking enough water after training, thereby racing sometimes while dehydrated.
– Bill Rodgers
My guess is many top athletes, distance runners included, use performance-enhancing drugs, enough so that the problem must be tackled.
– Bill Rodgers
My whole feeling in terms of racing is that you have to be very bold. You sometimes have to be aggressive and gamble.
– Bill Rodgers
Never let any guru spoil your fun!
– Bill Rodgers
Of course, today everything is records and times, but I believe the greatest marks are setting not only world and other records, but achieving success in different weather condition and competing in major championships; in other words facing the competition fairly in all venues.
– Bill Rodgers
One key to success is not to make your diet too complicated.
– Bill Rodgers
One wakes up one year and realizes you did not produce as good a set of races as the year before.
– Bill Rodgers
Personally, I always felt times aren't so excellent as are performances.
– Bill Rodgers
Resting your body and legs in particular can lead to more effective running/racing.
– Bill Rodgers
Running in the correct shoe is key.
– Bill Rodgers
So, I would recommend one longer run daily, with your longest run when you can get the time.
– Bill Rodgers
Sometimes such an injury may be due to increased running, fatigue, sickness, etc and have nothing at all to do with your shoe.
– Bill Rodgers
Stretching for 10 minutes or so after your runs make next days effort feel easier too.
– Bill Rodgers
That's fine; we runners are, after all, up for a challenge.
– Bill Rodgers
That's why its a good idea to ease into your early miles, rather than push the pace from the minute you step out the door.
– Bill Rodgers
The marathon can humble you.
– Bill Rodgers
The starting line of the New York Marathon is kind of like a giant time bomb behind you about to go off. It is the most spectacular start in sport.
– Bill Rodgers
There's a huge advantage with more altitude.
– Bill Rodgers
This sport is the sport to see what you are made of, so use those expert's advice, but be free to be your own champion runner, picking and choosing advice you enjoy and that works best for you.
– Bill Rodgers
To be a consistent winner means preparing not just one day, one month or even one year - but for a lifetime.
– Bill Rodgers
Wear and tear of the physical kind is not as key as the mental focus required.
– Bill Rodgers
When I was younger, the athletes who motivated me were the ones I saw on TV-Billy Mills, Gerry Lindgren, Prefontaine, Ron Clark of Australia, Tom O'Hara, Jim Ryan.
– Bill Rodgers
When you adjust for the weather, it's the same effort required by every runner-or racer, so the more you understand the conditions, perhaps the more mental preparation plays a role.
– Bill Rodgers
Whereas when I was aiming for the marathon, I was aiming to nail the competition as much as I could in the early or middle stages.
– Bill Rodgers
With with these points in mind go forth, enjoy Mother Nature, and celebrate your return to what you're supposed to do, live as an athlete.
– Bill Rodgers
You aim to win the same races you won before, but your time is done; there is someone who is hungry, really hungry.
– Bill Rodgers
You always want it dry, low humidity if possible.
– Bill Rodgers
You are racing your competitors, not the clock.
– Bill Rodgers
You cannot always run at your best.
– Bill Rodgers
Your training partners are key to your success, and friendships based on your runs together are strong.