Beautiful isle of the sea, Smile on the brow of the waters.
– George Cooper
Brave your storm with firm endeavor. Let your vain repinings go! Hopeful hearts will find forever Roses underneath the snow!
– George Cooper
O Genevieve, sweet Genevieve, The days may come, the days may go, But still the hands of mem'ry weave The blissful dreams of long ago.
– George Cooper
October gave a party; The leaves by hundreds came - The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples, And leaves of every name. The Sunshine spread a carpet, And everything was grand, Miss Weather led the dancing, Professor Wind the band.
– George Cooper
Oh! all of you poor single men, Don't ever give up in despair, For there's always a chance while there's life To capture the hearts of the fair, No matter what may be your age, You always may cut a fine dash, You will suit all the girls to a hair.