Quotes by James Cook

Do just once what others say you can't do, and you will never pay attention to their limitations again.
– James Cook
Ambition leads me not only farther than any other man has been before me, but as far as I think it possible for man to go.
– James Cook
I had ambition not only to go farther than any man had ever been before, but as far as it was possible for a man to go.
– James Cook
You are never giving, nor can you ever give, enough service.
– James Cook
Money could never have originated as paper.
– James Cook
You slight yourself when you're easily slighted.
– James Cook
Never underestimate the totality of chaos and betrayal that comes through currency debasement.
– James Cook
Apparently there's nothing more dangerous than a religious criminal.
– James Cook
Apparently there's nothing more dangerous than a religious criminal.
– James Cook
Independent thinkers are usually geniuses or idiots and at times it's hard to tell which.
– James Cook
Love of country is nowhere the same as love of government.
– James Cook
Left-wing social policies sicken our behavior and corrupt our culture. People bend principles and sacrifice integrity to get as much as they can from the government. Giveaway programs encourage every imaginable sort of cheating and dishonesty. Wheeling and dealing in food stamps is a way of life. Lying and fraud are commonplace. Whenever you're dependent on the money, the end justifies the means.
– James Cook
Other than sex, two things bring people together; economic transactions and booze.
– James Cook
Remember, the greater the opportunity, the fewer are those who see it.
– James Cook
The universality of tattooing is a curious subject for speculation.
– James Cook
You can't suffer over two things at once.
– James Cook
It's easier to have faith in yourself if you have faith in God.
– James Cook
A business owner who is liberal probably inherited the business.
– James Cook
Once a person comes to rely on the government for support, that person becomes a socialist through and through.
– James Cook
To enslave a people, give them money they didn't earn.
– James Cook
I could not help concluding this man had the most supreme pleasure while he was driven so fast and so smoothly by the sea.
– James Cook
Management is simple, innovation is hard.
– James Cook
All too often unemployment is used as an excuse for misbehaving when jobs are available within walking distance.
– James Cook
Hardly anything works out as well as we hope.
– James Cook
Those who live off of the donations of capitalism are often its greatest critics.
– James Cook
Self interest determines loyalty or betrayal.
– James Cook
There is nothing very religious about feeling superior to those who don't share your views.
– James Cook
Faith puts the power of the universe at your disposal.
– James Cook
Liberals fostered the subsidies that have converted so many citizens to helplessness. They have made high taxes and big government a way of life. They have corrupted the politicians into believing that in order to be elected to office, they must dispense benefits.
– James Cook
Inflation makes the wealthiest people richer and the masses poorer.
– James Cook
What is more simple than to believe in God? Its very simplicity argues the case.
– James Cook
To use ones religion as a rationalization for lack of financial success demeans that faith.
– James Cook
No resource will flourish if managed by government.
– James Cook
Allowing liberals to manage economic policy is like hiring monkeys to be aircraft mechanics.
– James Cook
The one thing that flies in the face of all human history and experience, is that the government can do a superior job than the private sector.
– James Cook
Liars seldom believe anyone else.
– James Cook
Perhaps the greatest difference among people is between those who never have to worry about money and those who do.
– James Cook
Doubt makes us reaffirm what we believe.
– James Cook
At times life becomes too busy for religious thoughts.
– James Cook
Memory doesn't erase. The recall ability fails.
– James Cook
Prayer is futility when compared to belief.
– James Cook
Whatever you subsidize you get more of.
– James Cook
If you want the best results in an organization, you must rely solely on merit.
– James Cook
The most practical information about life is sneered at by social planners.
– James Cook
Gifted women musicians and composers rarely received their due.
– James Cook
People who never seen to learn claim the government can be made more efficient.
– James Cook
Governments institutionalize something for nothing.
– James Cook
Money without wisdom diminishes the pleasure and enjoyment of wealth.
– James Cook
It's impossible for a dishonest person to grow rich in business.
– James Cook
What is still more to our shame as civilized Christians, we debauch their morals already too prone to vice, and we introduce among them wants and perhaps disease which they never before knew and which serve only to disturb that happy tranquility which they and their forefathers enjoyed. If anyone denies the truth of this assertion, let him tell me what the natives of the whole extent of America have gained by the commerce they have had with Europeans.
– James Cook
Capitalists have done more good for society through their charitable giving, philanthropy and generosity than all their critics combined.
– James Cook
The purer the application of socialism, the worse the results, the purer the application of capitalism, the better the results.
– James Cook
We are destroying capitalism to pay for socialism.
– James Cook
From an economic standpoint, liberalism is a greater threat to America than communism ever was.
– James Cook
That which you worry about most in life is seldom bad, and that likely applies to dying.
– James Cook
People want government to solve problems, but government is often the cause of the problem.
– James Cook
A single charitable foundation started by one capitalist does more good than a world full of socialists and leftists. Think Carnegie and his libraries, or Sloan and Kettering their hospital, or Gates in Africa.
– James Cook
Liberals believe and inexhaustible fund exists that can be tapped endlessly to pay for government social programs. Tax the rich and give it to a long line of moochers, pork barrel hustlers and ne'er-do-wells. These funds would otherwise have been employed as additional capital indispensable to economic progress.
– James Cook
We are far too critical of the fabulous system of plenty that has brought us the highest living standards on earth. The liberals have done a good job of undermining faith in the market system.
– James Cook
Incompetent government embraces hiring quotas, thus furthering their incompetence.
– James Cook
The economy that leads the world will be the one with the most millionaires and billionaires.
– James Cook
With socialized medicine, the trick is not to die while waiting for treatment.
– James Cook
Socialism is the triumph of people's prejudices over their reason.
– James Cook
The welfare system is the breeding ground of crime, addiction and radical politics.
– James Cook
Nothing in life is guaranteed, including government guarantees.
– James Cook
Taking money from job creating entrepreneurs and giving it to ever-failing government programs has to be the ultimate in economic illiteracy.
– James Cook
Without memory there are no worries.
– James Cook
Everybody lives an epic.
– James Cook
Investors believe in the best possible outcome.
– James Cook
Beware the person who is on a hot streak.
– James Cook
All the warnings the founding fathers gave us about government proved to be true. We should have listened.
– James Cook
Why is it so hard to see that when America had high savings, low taxes and minimal government, the economy grew like a week, and today when we have just the opposite, the economy is shrinking.?
– James Cook
The longer people receive economic assistance, the worse their social condition and behavior.
– James Cook
Social welfare is the most corrosive behavioral force ever unleashed by man.
– James Cook
Taxes cause the most bad business decisions.
– James Cook
The liberal agenda is the blueprint for national ruin.
– James Cook
The eyes of the owner can see what no one else can see.
– James Cook
Inequality promotes progress.
– James Cook