Quotes by James Gunn
As for going to the stars, The Listeners concluded that it was inherently impossible and the only contact would be through radio. I believe that this may be true; on the other hand, I still nurse my youthful aspirations to go to the stars, and I think that humanity should pursue it - after all, we have not reached the pinnacle of science and technology.
– James Gunn
As for the torture of fans waiting for the other shoe(s) to drop, I hope that it is true - that there are readers out there panting to know what is going to happen to Adrian and Frances and Jessica, and who can't wait to find out who the aliens are and why they sent spaceship plans and what they want with humans. I must admit that I am curious, too.
– James Gunn
I feel a bit like Ellen Glasgow (I think it was) who said that she was the master and characters did what she said. I'm envious of authors whose characters become so real to them that they take off in their own directions, but my philosophy of teaching, as well as writing, is to demystify the process.
– James Gunn
Most of the complexity of the stories has developed as the stories came along (and may be a product of the principle that nothing is what it seems). I did start with some essential ambiguousness in the aliens' motivation and the questions this raises in human minds, which I consider to have been disregarded in Contact (novel and film). That, in part, may be what has delayed the writing of the fifth and sixth novelettes in the series.
– James Gunn
The compassion is instigated by the situation, and Godwin, a bit ham-handedly, belabors the situation so that there can be no doubt in the reader's mind, makes Marilyn sweet, young, and innocent (rather than a cold-blooded murderer or serial killer) so that reader will want to save her - and then the realization of the cold equations will be more effective.
– James Gunn
We can have rounded characters in SF if they are, when push comes to shove, representative when it comes to responding to their situations -- thus Lije Baley in Asimov's The Caves of Steel is a representative of his enclosed metropolis, but he learns to rise above it, to understand his agoraphobia and cope with it.
– James Gunn