Quotes by Pete R. Sehgal

I used to think that personality traits such as arrogance, repugnant behavior, jealousies, and narrow mindedness were local to an age group or a certain background, but after a careful analysis, I have come to realize that these human expressions, which are common in all walks of life, compel us to observe a strict self-discipline. Exercise self-control and quiet contemplation, an objective view will evolve.
– Pete R. Sehgal
As we all know quite well, no one gets through this life unscathed! Therefore, I have vowed not to use my problems as excuses to stifle my own progress in life.
– Pete R. Sehgal
Are you planning to fail? A lack of planning is also commonly referred to as a planning for failure!
– Pete R. Sehgal
We have to sow the proper seed, in a timely manner, if we are to expect a deserving harvest.
– Pete R. Sehgal
With proper planning, guidance, and step-by-step execution, our journey to the goal will be enjoyable. The challenges of this exercise will ultimately lead us to our inherent crown of blissfulness.
– Pete R. Sehgal