Life Quotes

I thank fate for having made me born poor. Poverty taught me the true value of the gifts useful to life.
– Anatole France
Ignorance and error are necessary to life, like bread and water.
– Anatole France
It was one of the deadliest and heaviest feelings of my life to feel that I was no longer a boy. From that moment I began to grow old in my own esteem -and in my esteem age is not estimable.
– Anatole France
Suffering! We owe to it all that is good in us, all that gives value to life; we owe to it pity, we owe to it courage, we owe to it all the virtues.
– Anatole France
We do not know what to do with this short life, yet we want another which will be eternal.
– Anatole France
There is nothing left to me but honor, and my life, which is saved.
– Francis I
Crime to many is not crime but simply a way of life. If laws are inconvenient, ignore them, they don't apply to you.
– Dick Francis
I have been frequently accused of deliberately twisting subject matter to my point of view. Above all, I know that life for a photographer cannot be a matter of indifference. Opinion often consists of a kind of criticism. But criticism can come out of love.
– Robert Frank
All our work, our whole life is a matter of semantics, because words are the tools with which we work, the material out of which laws are made, out of which the Constitution was written. Everything depends on our understanding of them.
– Felix Frankfurter
I came into the world a Jew, and although I did not live my life entirely as a Jew, I think it is fitting that I should leave as a Jew. I don't want to turn my back on a great and noble heritage.
– Felix Frankfurter
Challenging the meaning of life is the truest expression of the state of being human.
– Viktor E. Frankl
Each man is questioned by life; and he can only answer to life by answering for his own life; to life he can only respond by being responsible.
– Viktor E. Frankl
Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked.
– Viktor E. Frankl
So much for industry, my friends, and attention to one's own business; but to these we must add frugality if we would make our industry more certainly successful. A man may, if he knows not how to save as he gets, keep his nose all his life to the grindstone, and die not worth a grout at last.
– Benjamin Franklin
We also learn that this country and the Western world have no monopoly of goodness and truth and scholarship, we begin to appreciate the ingredients that are indispensable to making a better world. In a life of learning that is, perhaps, the greatest lesson of all.
– John Hope Franklin
One thing that makes art different from life is that in art things have a shape... it allows us to fix our emotions on events at the moment they occur, it permits a union of heart and mind and tongue and tear.
– Marilyn French
Whatever they may be in public life, whatever their relations with men, in their relations with women, all men are rapists and that's all they are. They rape us with their eyes, their laws, their codes.
– Marilyn French
No one who has seen a baby sinking back satiated from the breast and falling asleep with flushed cheeks and a blissful smile can escape the reflection that this picture persists as a prototype of the expression of sexual satisfaction in later life.
– Sigmund Freud
The goal of all life is death.
– Sigmund Freud
The impression forces itself upon one that men measure by false standards, that everyone seeks power, success, riches for himself, and admires others who attain them, while undervaluing the truly precious thing in life.
– Sigmund Freud
We have long observed that every neurosis has the result, and therefore probably the purpose, of forcing the patient out of real life, of alienating him from actuality.
– Sigmund Freud
Strange new problems are being reported in the growing generations of children whose mothers were always there, driving them around, helping them with their homework - an inability to endure pain or discipline or pursue any self-sustained goal of any sort, a devastating boredom with life.
– Betty Friedan
A happy childhood... is the worst possible preparation for life.
– Kinky Friedman
You have to pretend that your life is a financial pleasure even when your autographs are bouncing.
– Kinky Friedman
September 11 impressed upon us that life is a precious gift. Every life has a purpose. And I think we all have a duty to devote at least a small portion of our daily lives to ensuring that neither America nor the world ever forgets September 11.
– Bill Frist
Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important product of his effort is his own personality.
– Erich Fromm
There is no meaning to life except the meaning man gives his life by the unfolding of his powers.
– Erich Fromm
There is only one meaning of life: the act of living itself.
– Erich Fromm
Who will tell whether one happy moment of love or the joy of breathing or walking on a bright morning and smelling the fresh air, is not worth all the suffering and effort which life implies.
– Erich Fromm
Life is tons of discipline. Your first discipline is your vocabulary; then your grammar and your punctuation Then, in your exuberance and bounding energy you say you're going to add to that. Then you add rhyme and meter. And your delight is in that power.
– Robert Frost
Most of the change we think we see in life is due to truths being in and out of favor.
– Robert Frost
Poetry is a way of taking life by the throat.
– Robert Frost
The figure a poem makes. It begins in delight and ends in wisdom... in a clarification of life - not necessarily a great clarification, such as sects and cults are founded on, but in a momentary stay against confusion.
– Robert Frost
I want to look at life - at the commonplaces of existence - as if we had just turned a corner and run into it for the first time.
– Christopher Fry
Were art to redeem man, it could do so only by saving him from the seriousness of life and restoring him to an unexpected boyishness.
– Northrop Frye
Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
– Robert Fulghum
I've always thought anyone can make money. Making a life worth living, that's the real test.
– Robert Fulghum
The examined life is no picnic.
– Robert Fulghum
Would that the simple maxim, that honesty is the best policy, might be laid to heart; that a sense of the true aim of life might elevate the tone of politics and trade till public and private honor become identical.
– Margaret Fuller
It's strange that the newspapers don't see a connection between their false revelations about my private life and my need for seclusion and security.
– Agnetha Faltskog
When I'm living in the world of luxury and celebrity, which is where I found myself for a large part of my life, it's a walk-on part. Not a vital necessity, like it is for so many people. I enjoy it but I can see right through it!
– Agnetha Faltskog
Out of disbelief in God we have impudently assumed that all of life is now subject to our own will. And the disasters that have come from willing what cannot be willed have not at all brought us to some modesty about our presumptions.
– Leslie Farber
I really think happiness is very closely aligned with success, and may almost be an interchangeable synonym. Happiness (like success) also comes from doing what we feel called to do in life; however, it's also obvious no one can experience one without the other.
– Donna Fargo
The human face is the organic seat of beauty. It is the register of value in development, a record of Experience, whose legitimate office is to perfect the life, a legible language to those who will study it, of the majestic mistress, the soul.
– Eliza Farnham
I get it now; I didn't get it then. That life is about losing and about doing it as gracefully as possible... and enjoying everything in between.
– Mia Farrow
I want a big career, a big man, and a big life. You have to think big - that's the only way to get it... I just couldn't stand being anonymous.
– Mia Farrow
I think I value things more correctly. I hope I look at my life in a way that makes sense.
– Oded Fehr
The things I learned from the army - and I think it was a lesson for life - was how to work in unison with other people. How to take responsibility.
– Oded Fehr
It did not feel like something that was going to take over my life and destroy it. It felt like a subtle flower instead of a manipulative demon. That's the mystery of heroin.
– Corey Feldman
Marriage takes work, but so does living alone. One of the things you have to work at is to have enough human resources and to plan ahead... be willing to take responsibility for making the arrangements and building the bridges. People will walk across the bridge to you, but they probably won't build the bridge, and once you accept that, then you can have a very full life.
– Barbara Feldon
It has been said that the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games is something that an athlete will remember for the rest of their life. It is true. That moment when you walk into the Olympic Stadium as part of the Australian Olympic Team, is a moment that I will never forget.
– Jeff Fenech
Modern life is confusing - no Ms take about it.
– Geraldine A. Ferraro
It is a truth universally acknowledged that as soon as one part of your life starts looking up, another falls to pieces.
– Helen Fielding
One good lesson is not to be afraid of failure because failure was kind of obvious in my life.
– Debbie Fields
If you deny yourself commitment, what can you do with your life?
– Harvey Fierstein
To be a character who feels a deep emotion, one must go into the memory's vault and mix in a sad memory from one's own life.
– Albert Finney
Chess is life.
– Bobby Fischer
I think of myself as being a relatively intelligent man who is open to a lot of different things and I think that questioning our purpose in life and the meaning of existence is something that we all go through at some point.
– Laurence Fishburne
Oh, the secret life of man and woman -dreaming how much better we would be than we are if we were somebody else or even ourselves, and feeling that our estate has been unexploited to its fullest.
– Zelda Fitzgerald
The qualities and capacities that are important in running-such factors as will power, the ability to apply effort during extreme fatigue and the acceptance of pain-have a radiating power that subtly influences one's life.
– James Fixx
She was built for crowds. She has never come any closer to life than the dinner table.
– Janet Flanner
The star had to sing about those beginnings and the other things he shared with people from those beginnings: simple, everyday problems of life and frustration and mainly miseries of the heart and the troubles that caused.
– Chet Flippo
Love's pleasure lasts but a moment; love's sorrow lasts all through life.
– Jean Pierre Claris De Florian
Needless, heedless, wanton and deliberate injury of the sort inflicted by Life's picture story is not an essential instrument of responsible journalism.
– Abe Fortas
Life is just a bowl of cherries, dont take it serious, its mysterious. Life is just a bowl of cherries, so live and laugh and laugh at love, love a laugh, laugh and love.
– Bob Fosse
In our music, in our everyday life, there are so many negative things. Why not have something positive and stamp it with blackness?
– Jamie Foxx
I'm sort of in for a penny, in for a pound with Star Trek, It's my life at this point. To deny it would just be foolish.
– Johnathan Frakes
When I was just acting on the show, I learned my lines, went to sleep, then woke up and went to work. Now it's sort of become an obsession. I like the success. I'm thrilled with the way things have gone-but my life was simpler 10 years ago.
– Johnathan Frakes
What we want is to make something that fills utterly the sight and can't be used to make life only bearable.
– Sam Francis
Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it's a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from.
– Al Franken
No life's worth more than any other, no sister worth less than any brother.
– Michael Franti
Television should be kept in its proper place-beside us, before us, but never between us and the larger life.
– Robert Fraser
The Olympics remain the most compelling search for excellence that exists in sport, and maybe in life itself.
– Dawn Fraser
Life is full of obstacle illusions.
– Grant Frazier
I didn't know the full facts of life until I was 17. My father never talked about his work.
– Martin Freud
I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel pressed and tense almost every day of my life about something or other. And I think it's the one thing, as I look into people's eyes, that I think I share with almost everybody.
– William Friedkin
It's precisely the disappointing stories, which have no proper ending and therefore no proper meaning, that sound true to life.
– Max Frisch
The exchange program is the thing that reconciles me to all the difficulties of political life.
– James William Fulbright
It's not your blue blood, your pedigree or your college degree. It's what you do with your life that counts.
– Millard Fuller
Mickey Mouse... is always there-he's part of my life. That really is something not everyone can call their claim to fame.
– Annette Funicello
All men have one entrance into life, and the like going out.
– Solomon Ibn Gabirol
The only reason they come to see me is that I know that life is great, and they know I know it.
– Clark Gable
The women's movement hasn't changed my sex life. It wouldn't dare.
– Zsa Zsa Gabor
In all life one should comfort the afflicted, but verily, also, one should afflict the comfortable, and especially when they are comfortably, contentedly, even happily wrong.
– John Kenneth Galbraith
Religion was nearly dead because there was no longer real belief in future life; but something was struggling to take its place - service - social service - the ants creed, the bees creed.
– John Galsworthy
When Man evolved Pity, he did a queer thing - deprived himself of the power of living life as it is without wishing it to become something different.
– John Galsworthy
Ahimas is the attribute of the soul, and therefore, to be practiced by everybody in all affairs of life. If it cannot be practiced in all departments, it has no practical value.
– Mahatma Gandhi
Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the universe is endlessly bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough request, and everything your heart desires must come to you.
– Mahatma Gandhi
I want to see India free in my life-time. But God may not consider me fit enough to see the dream of my life fulfilled. Then I shall quarrel, not with Him but with myself.
– Mahatma Gandhi
I worship God as Truth only. I have not yet found Him, but I am seeking after Him. I am prepared to sacrifice the things dearest to me in pursuit of this quest. Even if the sacrifice demanded my very life, I hope I may be prepared to give it.
– Mahatma Gandhi
In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in an clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth.
– Mahatma Gandhi
Intellect takes us along in the battle of life to a certain limit, but at the crucial moment it fails us. Faith transcends reason. It is when the horizon is the darkest and human reason is beaten down to the ground that faith shines brightest and comes to our rescue.
– Mahatma Gandhi
My life is one indivisible whole, and all my activities run intoone another, and they all have their rise in my insatiable love of mankind.
– Mahatma Gandhi
Religion is more than life. Remember that his own religion is the truest to every man even if it stands low in the scales of philosophical comparison.
– Mahatma Gandhi
There is more to life than increasing its speed.
– Mahatma Gandhi
True religion is not a narrow dogma. It is not external observance. It is faith in God and living in the presence of God. It means faith in a future life, in truth and Ahimsa. There prevails today a sort of apathy towards these things of the Spirit.
– Mahatma Gandhi
Where there is love there is life.
– Mahatma Gandhi
Life would be so wonderful if we only knew what to do with it.
– Greta Garbo
The story of my life is about back entrances, side doors, secret elevators and other ways of getting in and out of places so that people won't bother me.
– Greta Garbo
You don't have to be married to have a good friend as your partner for life.
– Greta Garbo