Life Quotes

The thing that is incredible is life itself. Why should we be here in this sun-illuminated universe? Why should there be green earth under our feet?
– Edwin Markham
We have committed the Golden Rule to memory; let us now commit it to life.
– Edwin Markham
Life and Jah are one in the same. Jah is the gift of existence. I am in some way eternal, I will never be duplicated. The sigularity of every man and woman is Jah's gift. What we struggle to make of it is our sole gift to Jah. The process of what that struggle becomes, in time, the Truth.
– Bob Marley
Above our life we love a steadfast friend.
– Christopher Marlowe
You give me nothing during your life, but you promise to provide for me at your death. If you are not a fool, you know what I wish for!
– Marcus Valerius Martial
You know what your problem is, it's that you haven't seen enough movies - all of life's riddles are answered in the movies.
– Steve Martin
La vida loca, that's my life right now. I'm going through an adrenaline rush that my career is giving me at the moment, and it is pretty intense.
– Ricky Martin
The homosexual community wants me to be gay. The heterosexual community wants me to be straight. Every writer thinks, I'm the journalist who's going to make him talk. I pray for them. I pray that they get a life and stop living mine!
– Ricky Martin
No matter what your religion, you should try to become a government program, for then you will have everlasting life.
– Lynn Martin
At a moment that comes rarely in the life of a country. It is a time when destiny is ours to hold.
– Paul Martin
The sum and substance of female education in America, as in England, is training women to consider marriage as the sole object in life, and to pretend that they do not think so.
– Harriet Martineau
Al Gonzales is a dedicated public servant and exceptionally qualified to be our nation's next Attorney General. I know that a lot has been said about Judge Gonzales' life story. It is a story of the fulfillment of the American Dream.
– Mel Martinez
Forty-two years ago, I came to America from communist Cuba so I might have a better way of life, a freer way of life - a more democratic way of life. I wanted to live the American Dream where if you worked hard and put your mind to the task, anything was possible.
– Mel Martinez
The first thing which I can record concerning myself is, that I was born. These are wonderful words. This life, to which neither time nor eternity can bring diminution - this everlasting living soul, began. My mind loses itself in these depths.
– Groucho Marx
The way to recover the meaning of life and the worthwhileness of life is to recover the power of experience, to have impulse voices from within, and to be able to hear these impulse voices from within-and make the point: This can be done.
– Abraham Maslow
It is more profitable for your congressman to support the tobacco industry than your life.
– Jackie Mason
How shall the soul of a man be larger than the life he has lived?
– Edgar Lee Masters
To put meaning in one's life may end in madness, But life without meaning is the torture Of restlessness and vague desire-It is a boat longing for the sea and yet afraid.
– Edgar Lee Masters
Habits in writing as in life are only useful if they are broken as soon as they cease to be advantageous.
– W. Somerset Maugham
I made up my mind long ago that life was too short to do anything for myself that I could pay others to do for me.
– W. Somerset Maugham
If you don't change your beliefs, your life will be like this forever. Is that good news?
– W. Somerset Maugham
It wasn't until late in life that I discovered how easy it is to say I don't know.
– W. Somerset Maugham
My own belief is that there is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.
– W. Somerset Maugham
Perfection is a trifle dull. It is not the least of life's ironies that this, which we all aim at, is better not quite achieved.
– W. Somerset Maugham
There are two good things in life - freedom of thought and freedom of action.
– W. Somerset Maugham
What has influenced my life more than any other single thing has been my stammer. Had I not stammered I would probably... have gone to Cambridge as my brothers did, perhaps have become a don and every now and then published a dreary book about French literature.
– W. Somerset Maugham
There are deserts in every life, and the desert must be depicted if we are to give a fair and complete idea of the country.
– Andre Maurois
I make enemies deliberately. They are the sauce piquante to my dish of life.
– Elsa Maxwell
Someone said that life is a party. You join in after it's started and leave before it's finished.
– Elsa Maxwell
Joy, rather than happiness, is the goal of life, for joy is the emotion which accompanies our fulfilling our natures as human beings. It is based on the experience of one's identity as a being of worth and dignity.
– Rollo May
Life comes from physical survival; but the good life comes from what we care about.
– Rollo May
I think people right now, the age they are, being 21 and 22, really do want to find a group of bands they can take with them through life.
– John Mayer
I'm getting to a point where everything is becoming streamlined in my life. I'm learning how to stand onstage for two hours and play in front of thousands of people as if I am completely in the moment every moment.
– John Mayer
What I enjoy about the live experience is getting onstage, being handed a guitar that is in tune, taking it off mute, knowing that the very moment I want to play a note, I can play it. People are waiting on me and I'm waiting on me, and I have no idea what I'm going to play. That's the biggest joy in life.
– John Mayer
A life quenched in an untimely manner is always sad, the life of a young person quenched, whatever the circumstances, troubles us deeply. If that death arose through suicide that sense of loss is compounded inexorably. TS Eliot's evocative words serve to underline that awful sense of loss for the potential that was never allowed to fully blossom, for all that might have been but wasn't to be:
– Mary McAleese
The labor of keeping house is labor in its most naked state, for labor is toil that never finishes, toil that has to be begun again the moment it is completed, toil that is destroyed and consumed by the life process.
– Mary McCarthy
If you believe that [Anna Kournikova's claim that she is a virgin], I've never questioned a call in my life.
– John McEnroe
Death is the great hope of all life; the desire to expend itself; to be used and consumed by its own longing for itself.
– Bryant H. McGill
It is better to have a meaningful life and make a difference than to merely have a long life.
– Bryant H. McGill
It is better to lose everything you have to keep the balance of justice level, than to live a life of petty privilege devoid of true freedom.
– Bryant H. McGill
One of the most important things one can do in life is to brutally question every single thing you are taught.
– Bryant H. McGill
Suffering is one of life's great teachers.
– Bryant H. McGill
There are amazingly wonderful people in all walks of life; some familiar to us and others not. Stretch yourself and really get to know people. People are in many ways one of our greatest treasures.
– Bryant H. McGill
Through death all life is converted into food for the inconceivably vast maw of eternity.
– Bryant H. McGill
Where wise actions are the fruit of life, wise discourse is the pollination.
– Bryant H. McGill
You may find many contradictory statements and philosophies within my writings. However, to this I will say such is life, for life is full of contradictions.
– Bryant H. McGill
It is simply untrue that all our institutions are evil,... that all politicians are mere opportunists, that all aspects of university life are corrupt. Having discovered an illness, it's not terribly useful to prescribe death as a cure.
– George McGovern
Try and understand what part you have to play in the world in which you live. There's more to life than you know and it's all happening out there. Discover what part you can play and then go for it.
– Ian Mckellen
When you were on stage, you could be absolutely open about your emotions and indulge them and express yourself in a way that - in real life - I wasn't doing.
– Ian Mckellen
My whole life has been dedicated to music. And of course, I've been accused a million times of playing too fast or too many notes, and I'm sure justifiably sometimes. But, you know, I'm the way I am and as we grow old, we learn and I'm still learning about space. But I'll be learning about space until I die.
– John McLaughlin
Definition of a victim: a person to whom life happens.
– Peter McWilliams
It's your life. Live it with people who are alive. It tends to be contagious.
– Peter McWilliams
We can consciously end our life almost anytime we choose. This ability is an endowment, like laughing and blushing, given to no other animal... in any given moment, by not exercising the option of suicide, we are choosing to live.
– Peter McWilliams
Life in the twentieth century is like a parachute jump: you have to get it right the first time.
– Margaret Mead
To cherish the life of the world.
– Margaret Mead
Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.
– Golda Meir
Things are coming to a pretty pass when religion is allowed to invade private life.
– Lord Melbourne
If you have learned how to disagree without being disagreeable, then you have discovered the secrete of getting along - whether it be business, family relations, or life itself.
– Bernard Meltzer
For as this appalling ocean surrounds the verdant land, so in the soul of man there lies one insular Tahiti, full of peace and joy, but encompassed by all the horrors of the half known life. God keep thee! Push not off from that isle, thou canst never return!
– Herman Melville
Old age is always wakeful; as if, the longer linked with life, the less man has to do with aught that looks like death.
– Herman Melville
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.
– Herman Melville
A bore is simply a nonentity who resents his humble lot in life, and seeks satisfaction for his wounded ego by forcing himself on his betters.
– H. L. Mencken
Life is a constant oscillation between the sharp horns of dilemmas.
– H. L. Mencken
Life is a dead-end street.
– H. L. Mencken
Nine times out of ten, in the arts as in life, there is actually no truth to be discovered; there is only error to be exposed.
– H. L. Mencken
Hope is a necessity for normal life and the major weapon against the suicide impulse.
– Karl A. Menninger
Ah, what a dusty answer gets the soul when hot for certainties in this our life!
– George Meredith
Death is someone you see very clearly with eyes in the center of your heart: eyes that see not by reacting to light, but by reacting to a kind of a chill from within the marrow of your own life.
– Thomas Merton
It is in the ordinary duties and labors of life that the Christian can and should develop his spiritual union with God.
– Thomas Merton
The very contradictions in my life are in some ways signs of God's mercy to me.
– Thomas Merton
I love London. I love England. We were out in the countryside and I had the time of my life.
– Debra Messing
I pay parking tickets. You know, you can try to give 50%, but then they charge you all those penalties! Seriously, I have gotten many, many, many tickets in my life.
– Debra Messing
I'm a little commitment phobic, in that I've always been someone who likes to take things one year at a time because as we all know, a year can change everything in your life.
– Debra Messing
It's a miracle to be an actor and to know that you have a job to go to a year from now is a rare thing, so I think peace of mind and financial stability come with that. Hopefully I'm a little wiser and have a little more perspective in my life than I did then.
– Debra Messing
It's always been really important for me to try to maintain a balanced life, professional and personal, and this was absolutely something that my husband and I had hoped for.
– Debra Messing
To me, nothing is more fascinating or theatrical than real life. These people are in dire situations, where something extreme has happened in their lives.
– Debra Messing
A child is beset with long traditions. And his infancy is so old, so old, that the mere adding of years in the life to follow will not seem to throw it further back - it is already so far.
– Alice Meynell
The true color of life is the color of the body, the color of the covered red, the implicit and not explicit red of the living heart and the pulses. It is the modest color of the unpublished blood.
– Alice Meynell
If a man happens to find himself, he has a mansion which he can inhabit with dignity all the days of his life.
– James A. Michener
The permanent temptation of life is to confuse dreams with reality. The permanent defeat of life comes when dreams are surrendered to reality.
– James A. Michener
I am very adamant about keeping my private life private. I don't prefer to talk about my family.
– Luis Miguel
I think we all wish we could erase some dark times in our lives. But all of life's experiences, bad and good make you who you are. Erasing any of life's experiences would be a great mistake.
– Luis Miguel
A party of order or stability, and a party of progress or reform, are both necessary elements of a healthy state of political life.
– John Stuart Mill
Life has a certain flavor for those who have fought and risked all that the sheltered and protected can never experience.
– John Stuart Mill
Parrots, tortoises and redwoods live a longer life than men do; Men a longer life than dogs do; Dogs a longer life than love does.
– Edna St. Vincent Millay
A play is made by sensing how the forces in life simulate ignorance-you set free the concealed irony, the deadly joke.
– Arthur Miller
Certainly the most diverse, if minor, pastime of literary life is the game of Find the Author.
– Arthur Miller
The closer a man approaches tragedy the more intense is his concentration of emotion upon the fixed point of his commitment, which is to say the closer he approaches what in life we call fanaticism.
– Arthur Miller
The theater is so endlessly fascinating because it's so accidental. It's so much like life.
– Arthur Miller
What is the most innocent place in any country? Is it not the insane asylum? These people drift through life truly innocent, unable to see into themselves at all.
– Arthur Miller
Never ever discount the idea of marriage. Sure, someone might tell you that marriage is just a piece of paper. Well, so is money, and what's more life-affirming than cold, hard cash?
– Dennis Miller
The death penalty is becoming a way of life in this country.
– Dennis Miller
There's no doubt about it, show business lures the people who didn't get enough love, attention, or approval early in life and have grown up to become bottomless, gaping vessels of terrifying, abject need. Please laugh.
– Dennis Miller
Art is only a means to life, to the life more abundant. It is not in itself the life more abundant. It merely points the way, something which is overlooked not only by the public, but very often by the artist himself. In becoming an end it defeats itself.
– Henry Miller
Life is 440 horsepower in a 2-cylinder engine.
– Henry Miller
Life is constantly providing us with new funds, new resources, even when we are reduced to immobility. In life's ledger there is no such thing as frozen assets.
– Henry Miller
Life, as it is called, is for most of us one long postponement.
– Henry Miller
Plots and character don't make life. Life is here and now, anytime you say the word, anytime you let her rip.
– Henry Miller
Topographically the country is magnificent - and terrifying. Why terrifying? Because nowhere else in the world is the divorce between man and nature so complete. Nowhere have I encountered such a dull, monotonous fabric of life as here in America. Here boredom reaches its peak.
– Henry Miller
True strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate his life, through devotion, to something beyond himself.
– Henry Miller