Life Quotes

You don't help people in your poems. I've been trying to help people all my life - that's my trouble.
– Charles Olson
You don't have to call it God or Jesus. That's religious humbug to a lot of people, but you've gotta believe that nature and spiritual things surround us. That is what put us here! I thank the universe for that every day of my life.
– Jack LaLanne
You don't have to be a wreck. You don't have to be sick. One's aim in life should be to die in good health. Just like a candle that burns out.
– Jeanne Moreau
You don't have a family doctor anymore like you did when you were a kid, who treated you throughout your life.
– Mehmet Oz
You do the right thing even if it makes you feel bad. The purpose of life is not to be happy but to be worthy of happiness.
– Tracy Kidder
You cannot find peace by avoiding life.
– Virginia Woolf
You cannot avoid war in life, you cannot avoid the fear of terrorism, you cannot avoid those things now, they are a part of everyday demeanor.
– John Mayer
You can't wake up one day and say 'I'm for gay marriage,' and wake up the next day and say 'I'm against it.' Wake up one day and say, 'I'm pro-choice,' and the next day wake up and say, 'I'm pro-life.' There's no credibility there.
– Roger Stone
You can't stop loving or wanting to love because when its right it's the best thing in the world. When you're in a relationship and its good, even if nothing else in your life is right, you feel like your whole world is complete.
– Keith Sweat
You can't live a positive life with a negative mind and if you have a positive outcome you have a positive income and just to have more positivity and just to kind of laugh it off.
– Miley Cyrus
You can't imagine parlor ballads drifting out of high-rise multi-towered buildings. That kind of music existed in a more timeless state of life.
– Bob Dylan
You can't control the paparazzi. But if you go to Coachella you're going to get photographed. Whereas if you're at home, walking down the street you probably won't. It's something I've learnt to navigate my way around but I try to keep my private life private.
– Ashley Greene
You can never regret anything you do in life. You kind of have to learn the lesson from whatever the experience is and take it with you on your journey forward.
– Aubrey O'Day
You can never control who you fall in love with, even when you're in the most sad, confused time of your life. You don't fall in love with people because they're fun. It just happens.
– Kirsten Dunst
You can map your life through your favorite movies, and no two people's maps will be the same.
– Mary Schmich
You can make positive deposits in your own economy every day by reading and listening to powerful, positive, life-changing content and by associating with encouraging and hope-building people.
– Zig Ziglar
You can love more than one person in your life, but things will be different. There'll be a different dynamic. Needs and desires change.
– Francesca Annis
You can live your whole life in your brain and not experience what's around you. You go crazy that way.
– Fiona Apple
You can have a spiritual awakening and discover a new side of you at any age. And best of all, love can happen at any age. Life can just start to get exciting when you're in your 40s and 50s. You have to believe that.
– Salma Hayek
You can find poetry in your everyday life, your memory, in what people say on the bus, in the news, or just what's in your heart.
– Carol Ann Duffy
You can change your world by changing your words... Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue.
– Joel Osteen
You can choose a future where more Americans have the chance to gain the skills they need to compete, no matter how old they are or how much money they have. Education was the gateway to opportunity for me. It was the gateway for Michelle. And now more than ever, it is the gateway to a middle-class life.
– Barack Obama
You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Analyze your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping you toward success - or are they holding you back?
– W. Clement Stone
You always think that 70 is the end of the road: 'Somebody died when they were 73 good life'. You're closer to death, and you better make sure you don't waste too much of your time doing things you don't want to do. No point in saying things you don't believe in.
– Ian Mckellen
You all know that I have been sustained throughout my life by three saving graces - my family, my friends, and a faith in the power of resilience and hope. These graces have carried me through difficult times and they have brought more joy to the good times than I ever could have imagined.
– Elizabeth Edwards
You all know that each title in the Chronicles has a chess theme that's partly because of the overall design of the Chronicles themselves - the game of chess as an analogue of the game of life.
– Dorothy Dunnett
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the holy of holies of Jewish time. It is that rarest of phenomena, a Jewish festival without food. Instead it is a day of fasting and prayer, introspection and self-judgment when, collectively and repeatedly, we confess our sins and pray to be written into God's Book of Life.
– Jonathan Sacks
Yet higher religion, which is only a search for a larger life, is essentially experience and recognized the necessity of experience as its foundation long before science learnt to do so.
– Muhammad Iqbal
Yes, but I think if you look at it with a sort of gay sensibility and want everything to be positive about gay life, it could be interpreted as antigay.
– John Schlesinger
Year by year we are learning that in this restless, strenuous American life of ours vacations are essential.
– Ellsworth Huntington
Yale is a crucible in American life for the accommodation of intellectual achievement, of wisdom, of refinement, with the democratic ideals of openness, of social justice and of equal opportunity.
– Benno C. Schmidt, Jr.
Writing is my obsession, my passion. My relationship with it is one of the most complex and agonizing and richly vexing that I have in my life.
– Julianna Baggott
Woz is living his own life now. He hasn't been around Apple for about five years. But what he did will go down in history.
– Steve Jobs
Work isn't to make money you work to justify life.
– Marc Chagall
Work is transformative. It gives you a greater chance of a greater income. You can affect your life while you're of working age, so you have scope and opportunity. Pensioners do not.
– Iain Duncan Smith
Work is like the rest of life. The best parts are free.
– Scott Adams
Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it.
– Stephen Hawking
Words, once they are printed, have a life of their own.
– Carol Burnett
Women's issues have always been a part of my life.
– Annie Lennox
Women have a lot of power in private life. There are many men who would say, 'Hey, women already rule my life.' But with women, more is more. The more there are, the more the world gets used to seeing them. We change the culture. We begin to expand options and lead and manage.
– Dee Dee Myers
Women are, in my view, natural peacemakers. As givers and nurturers of life, through their focus on human relationships and their engagement with the demanding work of raising children and protecting family life, they develop a deep sense of empathy that cuts through to underlying human realities.
– Daisaku Ikeda
Women are the real reason we get up every day. I'm talking about real men. If there were no women, I would not even have to bathe, because why would I care? These are guys I'm hanging with. I wake up for a woman every day of my life to make it happen for her.
– Steve Harvey
Women are treated as unjustly in poetry as in life. The feminine ones are not idealistic, and the idealistic not feminine.
– Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Woman, or more precisely put, perhaps, marriage, is the representative of life with which you are meant to come to terms.
– Franz Kafka
Without the way, there is no going without the truth, there is no knowing without the life, there is no living.
– Thomas a Kempis
Without pain, there would be no suffering, without suffering we would never learn from our mistakes. To make it right, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, without it, there is no way of life.
– Angelina Jolie
Without forgiveness life is governed by... an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation.
– Roberto Assagioli
With unemployment still abysmally high, the Obama economy is crushing Hispanics' dreams for their children to live a better life.
– Marco Rubio
With one man, there was a freedom and liberation. That was with Michael Hutchence, my partner in life.
– Kylie Minogue
With my talent, I can make people laugh and give them another attitude about life. What a blessing that is for me.
– Doris Roberts
With honesty of purpose, balance, a respect for tradition, courage, and, above all, a philosophy of life, any young person who embraces the historical profession will find it rich in rewards and durable in satisfaction.
– Samuel E. Morison
With fame, you can't trust everybody. You can't depend on them being there for you as a person. They will only be there because of what you've got you as a person. They will only be there because of what you've got and what you can bring to their life. It's not a relationship-it's a leech.
– Chris Brown
With any group of people in life, sad things happen, and crazy things, and happy things. When you're in the public eye, it's just amplified, that's all.
– Margot Kidder
With all of you men out there who think that having a thousand different ladies is pretty cool, I have learned in my life I've found out that having one woman a thousand different times is much more satisfying.
– Wilt Chamberlain
Wisdom is nothing but a preparation of the soul, a capacity, a secret art of thinking, feeling and breathing thoughts of unity at every moment of life.
– Herman Hesse
Wisdom does not show itself so much in precept as in life - in firmness of mind and a mastery of appetite. It teaches us to do as well as to talk and to make our words and actions all of a color.
– Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Winning 'The Apprentice' changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. It has been an amazing experience working for Donald Trump and I am very grateful for the whole opportunity.
– Bill Rancic
Wigs have always been a part of my life and have become a staple accessory in my closet. I can remember being a little girl and hearing all the commotion in my house from my mom, aunts and grandmother when picking out their wigs for the day. It was such a good time for them and part of their everyday beauty routine.
– Sherri Shepherd
Why fear death? It is the most beautiful adventure in life.
– Charles Frohman
Why does it have to be politics? Is there a dynamism to that world and a theoretical capacity to do things that draws many talented people? Absolutely. Are there other ways to be involved and lead an interesting life? Of course.
– Eliot Spitzer
Why be boring? Have some fun. Rock shows should be like movies: I don't go to a movie hoping it'll change my life.
– Alice Cooper
Whoever sets any bounds for the reconstructive power of the religious life over the social relations and institutions of men, to that extent denies the faith of the Master.
– Walter Rauschenbusch
Whoever decides to dedicate their life to politics knows that earning money isn't the top priority.
– Angela Merkel
Who writes poetry imbibes honey from the poisoned lips of life.
– William Rose Benet
While your life is the true expression of your faith, whom can you fear?
– Julia Ward Howe
While we are living in the present, we must celebrate life every day, knowing that we are becoming history with every work, every action, every deed.
– Mattie Stepanek
While there's life, there's fear.
– Mason Cooley
While the river of life glides along smoothly, it remains the same river only the landscape on either bank seems to change.
– Max Muller
While the resurrection promises us a new and perfect life in the future, God loves us too much to leave us alone to contend with the pain, guilt and loneliness of our present life.
– Josh McDowell
While it's really hard to do, at the same time, I'm escaping my body, which I really want to do. I'm living someone else's life. I get very intensely into the story, into the interviews and the research. I'm experiencing things along with my subjects. I have a freedom I don't have in my physical life.
– Laura Hillenbrand
While I have felt lonely many times in my life, the oddest feeling of all was after my mother, Lucille, died. My father had already died, but I always had some attachment to our big family while she was alive. It seems strange to say now that I felt so lonely, yet I did.
– Bill Murray
While I gave up God a long time ago, I never shook the habit of wanting to believe in something. So I replaced my creed of everlasting life with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
– Sarah Vowell
Whether you've seen angels floating around your bedroom or just found a ray of hope at a lonely moment, choosing to believe that something unseen is caring for you can be a life-shifting exercise.
– Martha Beck
Whether one believes or not, religion is as real a force in the life of the world as economics or politics, and it demands fair-minded attention. Even if you think the entire religious enterprise is at best misguided and at worst counterproductive, it remains vital, inspiring great good and, sometimes, great evil.
– Jon Meacham
Whenever I get fed up with life I love to go wandering in nature.
– Andrea Arnold
When you're happy you find pure joy in your life. There are no regrets in this state of happiness - and that's a goal worth striving for in all areas of your life.
– Suze Orman
When you're adopted, no matter what, you've got issues with unconditional love. And you find out you're the product of the worst situation for a young girl to be in and start her life, and I'm so grateful that my birth mom made the decision she made. She came from a rough situation.
– Rodney Atkins
When you're an artist, there's always a moment in your life when you think you're not inspired and instead of doing things and instead of travel and instead of falling in love, you're just depressed, so you don't move, so you don't change. So you're not inspired.
– Melanie Laurent
When you're a kid, you see your parents reading the newspaper and you're like, 'God, why are they reading the newspaper?' When you're young, you're not reading the newspaper. But there comes a time in your life when the newspaper's cool.
– Fred Durst
When you're a kid, I think you want to be a film star. And I'm not as enamoured with that any more. The reality of that life is a lot of travel, and a lot of being away, which is impractical because I have four children, so I don't want to be away that much, not the other side of the world away.
– Rob Brydon
When you're a famous, successful person at 16 years old, the rules change for you. Everybody is doing things for you to make life easier so you can go out and play. And I think you miss out on lot of growing up and a lot of reality checks.
– Chris Evert
When you retire, it's a place in life, a part of the journey. You just don't quit work you develop an attitude where you can do what you please.
– Tom T. Hall
When you realize the value of all life, you dwell less on what is past and concentrate more on the preservation of the future.
– Dian Fossey
When you play it too safe, you're taking the biggest risk of your life. Time is the only wealth we're given.
– Barbara Sher
When you make that crossover from life to real life, when you're not treated as a child anymore but as a man, and you are no longer given the benefit of the doubt, it takes some courage to face that.
– Ricky Williams
When you love food as much as I do, staying healthy is not easy. I mean, moderation, not deprivation. That's my new way of living. I always want more and that's just my life.
– Carnie Wilson
When you have kids, you instantly feel that you do not want to do them wrong. Those dads that go off to Florida and start a new life, I couldn't imagine that: seeing my kid once every Christmas, every three years. If I'm gone for six days it feels like too much.
– Adam Carolla
When you go off in the world and make your life, and you come back to your home town, and you find your old high-school friends driving in the same circles, doing the same things, that's what Hollywood's like. It's a little block, little town. It doesn't really grow or change.
– Robert Rodriguez
When you get to my age life seems little more than one long march to and from the lavatory.
– A. C. Benson
When you first have a baby your life doesn't change. I mean, you have a little less sleep and you drag these cuddly things around you and it's just amazing. But you still get to be you. Once they get to, like, five, six and school and it starts to get, like, 'Wow, they got real problems. They're my responsibility.' Oh my God. That is overwhelming.
– Gwen Stefani
When you do something best in life, you don't really want to give that up - and for me it's tennis.
– Roger Federer
When you believe in God, you've got to believe in the all-powerful God. He's not just God, He's the all-powerful God and He has total control over everyone's life. The Devil, on the other hand, is a real character that's trying his hardest to tear your life apart.
– Alice Cooper
When you are young and healthy, it never occurs to you that in a single second your whole life could change.
– Annette Funicello
When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure.
– Peter Marshall
When we have lost everything, including hope, life becomes a disgrace, and death a duty.
– W. C. Fields
When we go to the Bible we should keep in mind that the basic principles of the Bible are taught by God, but written down by human beings deprived of modern day knowledge. So there is some fallibility in the writings of the Bible. But the basic principles are applicable to my life and I don't find any conflict among them.
– Jimmy Carter
When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another.
– Helen Keller
When there is time to think about cricket, I think but when there is time to be with family, I try to do justice to that aspect of my life as well.
– Sachin Tendulkar
When the honour is given to that scientist personally the happiness is sweet indeed. Science is, on the whole, an informal activity, a life of shirt sleeves and coffee served in beakers.
– George Porter
When somebody who makes movies for a living - either as an actor, writer, producer or director - lives to be a certain age, you have to admire them. It is an act of courage to make a film - a courage for which you are not prepared in the rest of life. It is very hard and very destructive. But we do it because we love it.
– John Carpenter