Life Quotes

Imagination which comes into play in falling in love is different from any other. Certainly in my case, and I've fallen in love all my life, one imagines the person to be as you want them to be. They frequently turn out to be someone different, for better or worse.
– Mary Wesley
Ignorant people see life as either existence or non-existence, but wise men see it beyond both existence and non-existence to something that transcends them both this is an observation of the Middle Way.
– Lucius Annaeus Seneca
If your life changes, we can change the world, too.
– Yoko Ono
If your goal is to be the biggest movie star in the world, a 10-movie contract is gold. It was never my goal. Up until now, I made movies - and I have a nice house, a nice car. I'm fortunate, happy and grateful. Life is good.
– Chris Evans
If you're so pro-life, do me a favour: don't lock arms and block medical clinics. If you're so pro-life, lock arms and block cemeteries.
– Bill Hicks
If you're married, and you have a wife, and you really love your wife, is it good enough to only say to your wife 'I love her' the day you get married? Or should you tell her every single day when you wake up and every opportunity? And that's how I feel about my relationship with Jesus Christ is that it is the most important thing in my life.
– Tim Tebow
If you're able to help some people and make them smile and make them realize that life is good, then that's worth so much more than buying a pair of shoes.
– Maria Sharapova
If you wish to succeed in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brother, and hope your guardian genius.
– Joseph Addison
If you win all the time, you lose the drama in life. To make the happy moments happy, you need the sad moments too.
– Doug Davidson
If you want to run, run a mile. If you want to experience a different life, run a marathon.
– Emil Zatopek
If you want to have a good life, you should focus on your family, on your business, on your dog, on your fun, and you'll have a good life.
– Adam Carolla
If you want to achieve things in life, you've just got to do them, and if you're talented and smart, you'll succeed.
– Juliana Hatfield
If you talk to geneticists they are constantly finding that your genes are being switched on and off because of the environment. Genes alone do not determine an exact path in your life.
– Jeffrey Eugenides
If you spend your life competing with business men, what do you have? A bank account and ulcers!
– Marilyn Monroe
If you remember you just have one constituent, and that's God himself, and if you try to please him I think you usually come with a lot steadier pace and a lot more peace in your life.
– Jim DeMint
If you make every game a life and death proposition, you're going to have problems. For one thing, you'll be dead a lot.
– Dean Smith
If you look at the human condition today, not everyone is well fed, has access to good medical care, or the physical basics that provide for a healthy and a happy life.
– Ralph Merkle
If you live in a ghetto and really want not to just change your life and your family's life but change your ghetto's life, make your ghetto a good neighbourhood, learn science try to be like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.
If you live a life of make-believe, your life isn't worth anything until you do something that does challenge your reality. And to me, sailing the open ocean is a real challenge, because it's life or death.
– Morgan Freeman
If you like small government you need to work hard at having a strong national defense that is not so militant. Personal liberty is the purpose of government, to protect liberty - not to run your personal life, not to run the economy, and not to pretend that we can tell the world how they ought to live.
– Ron Paul
If you know that life is basically going to be horrendously difficult, at best, and all but unlivable at worst, or possibly even unlivable, do you go on? And the choice to go on is the only thing that I think can be called hope. Because if hope isn't forced to encounter the worst possibility, then it's a lie.
– Tony Kushner
If you know how to read, you have a complete education about life, then you know how to vote within a democracy. But if you don't know how to read, you don't know how to decide. That's the great thing about our country - we're a democracy of readers, and we should keep it that way.
– Ray Bradbury
If you have three people in your life that you can trust, you can consider yourself the luckiest person in the whole world.
– Selena Gomez
If you have only one passion in life - football - and you pursue it to the exclusion of everything else, it becomes very dangerous. When you stop doing this activity it is as though you are dying. The death of that activity is a death in itself.
– Eric Cantona
If you have issues with family, friends, and people at work, try and solve these issues head on so you can move on and concentrate on having the life you want. Think about what you can do so that you are happy with yourself - for instance, eating right to feel great and energetic.
– Heidi Klum
If you have fun, fine. It's not all life and death.
– Bill Parcells
If you have a level of expectation in your life that you have to be a quote-unquote star, whatever that means, you might be setting yourself up for failure.
– Bryan Cranston
If you go back to the Greeks and Romans, they talk about all three - wine, food, and art - as a way of enhancing life.
– Robert Mondavi
If you feel rooted in your home and family, if you're active in your community, there's nothing more empowering. The best way to make a difference in the world is to start by making a difference in your own life.
– Julia Louis Dreyfus
If you don't know about pain and trouble, you're in sad shape. They make you appreciate life.
– Evel Knievel
If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life.
– Marc Anthony
If you could choose one characteristic that would get you through life, choose a sense of humor.
– Jennifer Jones
If you cannot work on the marriage or the women is a moron, staying married and cheating makes the most sense because divorce is disruptive to the family life and your bank account.
– Al Goldstein
If you asked somebody, 'what do you wish for in life?' they wouldn't say 'happiness.' I would have answered 'excitement, knowledge,' God knows - I mean, many, many different things, but certainly not 'happiness'. It seemed like a foreign concept to wish for something that specific and that singular.
– Connie Nielsen
If you asked an 18-year-old what they want to do with their life, and the options are 'Transformers' or Lars von Trier, he's probably shipping out for 'Transformers.' If you ask a 26-year-old what he wants to do, 'Transformers' or Lars von Trier, he'd probably pick Lars von Trier. So, my sensibilities are changing as I change.
– Shia LaBeouf
If you are given a chance to be a role model, I think you should always take it because you can influence a person's life in a positive light, and that's what I want to do. That's what it's all about.
– Tiger Woods
If you are for freedom and equal rights, which we hear a lot of talk about these days, then you have to include the LGBTQ community in that. And if you're not willing to put your time where your mouth is, then I don't know quite what you mean by commitment in your life.
– Hal Sparks
If we were to wipe out insects alone on this planet, the rest of life and humanity with it would mostly disappear from the land. Within a few months.
– E. O. Wilson
If we are to survive, we must have ideas, vision, and courage. These things are rarely produced by committees. Everything that matters in our intellectual and moral life begins with an individual confronting his own mind and conscience in a room by himself.
– Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
If we are strong, and have faith in life and its richness of surprises, and hold the rudder steadily in our hands. I am sure we will sail into quiet and pleasent waters for our old age.
– Freya Stark
If they want to talk about aliens and anything like that... that's part of the gift God gave us. That's what makes life exciting. We're pretty stuck, you know. What gives flight to our life is our imagination.
– Michael Moriarty
If there is to be peace in our industrial life let the employer recognize his obligation to his employees - at least to the degree set forth in existing statutes.
– John L. Lewis
If there is something I would like to do as President of the General Assembly, it is to place more emphasis on the issue of education, which enables a better life for women.
– Harri Holkeri
If there is anything I would do differently in my life, it is that I would study business more. I'm trying to teach my daughter Chloe at an early age about investing and money so she's not afraid of it.
– Donna Mills
If Republicans want to be seen as more compassionate, they should continue to stand proudly for the sanctify of life and marriage. And they should do so without apologizing.
– Gary Bauer
If people choose to live their life in a way that does not confront the more troubling aspects of their experience, that's fine, if it works for them. But it will probably make them uncomfortable if they come up against somebody like me. So they just shouldn't! They shouldn't read my work!
– Joyce Maynard
If only life could be a little more tender and art a little more robust.
– Alan Rickman
If one tends to be a humorous person and you have a sense of humor the rest of your life then you can certainly lighten the load, I think, by bringing that to your trials and tribulations. It's easy to have a sense of humor when everything is going well.
– Alan Thicke
If one of my boys was asking me if they should go into politics, I'd say there's only one reason to go into public life and that's to help people.
– Evan Bayh
If not for music, I would probably be a very frustrated scientist. It's one way to answer the question, 'What is the meaning of life?' I feel music answers it better.
– Paula Cole
If my kids are doing well, then my life is going pretty well. And if my kids aren't doing well, it doesn't matter how the other elements of my life are. It's kind of amazing to have a context like that. This is really wonderful.
– Ethan Hawke
If I were running to be somebody, there are a lot of easier sombodies to be. After all, running against the incumbent governor of your own party in your home state is not the next logical step in a political life.
– Marco Rubio
If I wasn't even famous or had any success, I would still wake up and put tons of make-up on, and put on a cool outfit. That's always been who I've been my whole life, so that's never gonna change. I love fashion. I love getting dressed up. I love Halloween, too.
– Gwen Stefani
If I wanted to make spy movies for the rest of my life, that would be one thing, but I don't want to just make spy movies.
– Daniel Craig
If I take death into my life, acknowledge it, and face it squarely, I will free myself from the anxiety of death and the pettiness of life - and only then will I be free to become myself.
– Martin Heidegger
If I hadn't of had music in my life, it's quite possible I'd be dead and I'd much rather be alive.
– James Hetfield
If I had been under ObamaCare, and a beaurocrat had been trying to tell me when I could get that CT scan, that would have delayed my treatment. I was able to get the treatment as fast as I could based upon my timetable, and not the government's timetable. That's what saved my life.
– Herman Cain
If I didn't have children, I think my life would be a failure.
– Yann Martel
If I designed a computer with 200 chips, I tried to design it with 150. And then I would try to design it with 100. I just tried to find every trick I could in life to design things real tiny.
– Steve Wozniak
If I could write a story that would do for the Indian one-hundredth part what 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' did for the Negro, I would be thankful the rest of my life.
– Helen Hunt Jackson
If I could be more vague I'd write more about people in my life, but I hate hurting feelings or making people feel uncomfortable. I've done that before. Unless they're sad songs. Those get finished fast, but the mean ones often end up at the back of the bottom drawer and it's probably for the best.
– Caitlin Rose
If I could be a third of the woman that my mom is and have a third of the strength that she has, then I will have done good by this life.
– Brittany Murphy
If I can procure three hundred good substantial names of persons, or bodies, or institutions, I cannot fail to do well for my family, although I must abandon my life to its success, and undergo many sad perplexities and perhaps never see again my own beloved America.
– John James Audubon
If I can give you some kind of knowledge of life you should listen.
– Leon Spinks
If history, philosophy and so on vanish from academic life, what they leave in their wake may be a technical training facility or corporate research institute. But it will not be a university in the classical sense of the term, and it would be deceptive to call it one.
– Terry Eagleton
If he have faith, the believer cannot be restrained. He betrays himself. He breaks out. He confesses and teaches this gospel to the people at the risk of life itself.
– Martin Luther
If Greece had gone through a very normal political life, I may have not been in politics. But just the fact that I lived through huge upheavals and very difficult struggles and polarization and the barbarism of dictatorships - that made me feel that we had to change this country.
– George Papandreou
If faith is lost, there is no security and there is no life for him who does not adhere to religion.
– Muhammad Iqbal
If education does not create a need for the best in life, then we are stuck in an undemocratic, rigid caste society.
– Sargent Shriver
If all our happiness is bound up entirely in our personal circumstances it is difficult not to demand of life more than it has to give.
– Bertrand Russell
If acknowledging that racial misgivings and misunderstandings are still a part of politics and life in America, I plead guilty.
– Ron Fournier
If a man neglects education, he walks lame to the end of his life.
– Plato
If a man has been his mother's undisputed darling he retains throughout life the triumphant feeling, the confidence in success, which not seldom brings actual success along with it.
– Sigmund Freud
If a man does not make new acquaintances as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone. A man, sir, should keep his friendship in a constant repair.
– Samuel Johnson
If a man can bridge the gap between life and death, if he can live on after he's dead, then maybe he was a great man.
– James Dean
Ideas seem to come from everywhere - my life, everything I see, hear, and read, and most of all, from my imagination. I have a lot of imagination.
– Judy Blume
I've worked so hard to eliminate the inner geek from my life. I suddenly realize I have no patience for those people who still have their geeks showing. Now I see why being 'normal' has been so important to me.
– Kenny Loggins
I've won some pretty cool things in my life and I have a lot of great titles.
– Heather O'Reilly
I've wanted to perform my entire life. I found a paper I wrote in kindergarten class about what I wanted to be when I grew up - and I wrote 'a famous singer!'
– Heather Morris
I've three children, three grandchildren, I work, I travel, and I'm very happily married. I'm very satisfied and happy with my life and there really isn't anything I want.
– Joan Collins
I've sung other people's music all my life.
– Adam Lambert
I've succeeded beyond my wildest dreams - financially and the amount of fun I have in my life.
– Phil Hartman
I've studied all my musical life, but learning is only good if you do something constructive with it.
– Tony Williams
I've studied various schools of thought... I acknowledge that some Muslims consider music prohibited, but I've found a lot of evidence from the life of the Prophet to show that he allowed certainly, but even encouraged, music at certain times.
– Cat Stevens
I've realized how precious life is. When I was younger, I was more adventurous. I felt invincible. I was game for everything. As a mom, I don't want to get injured because then I can't take care of my kids.
– Kristi Yamaguchi
I've reached a point in my life where it's the little things that matter... I was always a rebel and probably could have got much farther had I changed my attitude. But when you think about it, I got pretty far without changing attitudes. I'm happier with that.
– Veronica Lake
I've published one book before, and now I'm writing a book of essays and stories about life in Tokyo. And I have one book coming out in May in Germany, about fitness.
– Franka Potente
I've never thought of my characters as being sad. On the contrary, they are full of life. They didn't choose tragedy. Tragedy chose them.
– Juliette Binoche
I've never had Internet access. Actually, I have looked at things on other people's computers as a bystander. A few times in my life I've opened email accounts, twice actually, but it's something I don't want in my life right now.
– Jhumpa Lahiri
I've made some great mistakes in my life, but, you know, they were honest mistakes.
– Henry Rollins
I've looked at pictures that my mom has of me, from when I was four years old at the turntable. I'm there, reaching up to play the records. I feel like I was bred to do what I do. I've been into music, and listening to music and critiquing it, my whole life.
– Dr. Dre
I've long been really intrigued with what is the... proper role of faith and religion in public life.
– Gene Robinson
I've learnt that through life you just get on with it. You're going to meet a lot of dishonest people along the line and you say good luck to them. I hope they live in comfort. Then I start sticking more pins in their effigies.
– Roger Moore
I've learned through experience that life is never that bad. The secret is just paying attention to how you feel and not letting anyone else dictate what in your heart you know is right.
– Dana Plato
I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands you need to be able to throw something back.
– Maya Angelou
I've learned that life is very tricky business: Each person needs to find what they want to do in life and not be dissuaded when people question them.
– Eli Wallach
I've just finished reading a book about the brilliant Margaret Rutherford. She wasn't a beauty, but inside she was absolutely blazing and passionate about her work. She's one of those life-affirming characters.
– Sophie Thompson
I've had weight issues all my life. I've been on all the diets: Atkins, liquid protein, Scarsdale diet. Now I go to the gym often. I'm always on the StairMaster, and I do weights.
– Hoda Kotb
I've had to adapt my wardrobe to my various roles, both at the office, as a mom, and for television. When I shop for the season I look for pieces that will suit every facet of my daily life, not just one single occasion.
– Nina Garcia
I've had the good fortune to have a much more diverse life than most people would, professional sports and television and news and movies.
– Ted Turner