Life Quotes

I have no fear of death. More important, I don't fear life.
– Steven Seagal
I have never been bored an hour in my life. I get up every morning wondering what new strange glamorous thing is going to happen and it happens at fairly regular intervals.
– William Allen White
I have my ethics and morals. I have my anchor point of what is right and wrong in real life, but I'm not afraid to entertain any and every aspect of personality in relationship to creating a character.
– Corin Nemec
I have loved movies as the number one thing in my life so long that I can't ever remember a time when I didn't.
– Quentin Tarantino
I have long considered it one of God's greatest mercies that the future is hidden from us. If it were not, life would surely be unbearable.
– Eugene Forsey
I have kids and I want to have a long life and there are certain things that are conducive to that and certain things that aren't. I've opted for the road of happiness and long life.
– Ethan Suplee
I have in sincerity pledged myself to your service, as so many of you are pledged to mine. Throughout all my life and with all my heart I shall strive to be worthy of your trust.
– Queen Elizabeth II
I have great sympathy for people that are infertile, but a life is not something you can give away.
– Mary Beth Whitehead
I have great friends around me that are positive and I think that's the key to life is making your own path. Set your own rules because there is no set rule, there is no set look, there is no set anything. You make your own rules in your life. You make your own decisions.
– Amber Riley
I have frequently been questioned, especially by women, of how I could reconcile family life with a scientific career. Well, it has not been easy.
– Marie Curie
I have felt for the last 10 years I have had this battle I've been fighting so hard to have an education. It's been this uphill struggle. I was Warner Bros' pain in the butt. I was their scheduling conflict. I was the one who made life difficult.
– Emma Watson
I have been afraid all my life that I am going to die. All my life it has been stuffed in my imagination.
– Patty Duke
I have an intense dislike for artificial society. In France, one could lead a free life - to do what one wanted to do without interference or criticism from one's neighbors.
– Robert W. Service
I have an imagination because my life is so boring that my imagination lets me get off the reality of what's going on.
– Dave Attell
I have amazing people around me. I couldn't be in a better place. I'm grateful for my life and where I'm at. I never thought I could be in the position that I'm in.
– Ashlee Simpson
I have always wanted a bunny and I'll always have a rabbit the rest of my life.
– Amy Sedaris
I have always made my own rules, in poetry as in life - though I have tried of late to cooperate more with my family. I do, however, believe that without order or pattern poetry is useless.
– Anne Stevenson
I have always had the courage for the new things that life sometimes offers.
– Wallis Simpson
I have always had good strength in my legs from working out with weights. I have also been riding a bike of some sort for most of my life and have good agility.
– Mark-Paul Gosselaar
I have always had a sense that we are all pretty much alone in life, particularly in adolescence.
– Robert Cormier
I have always argued that change becomes stressful and overwhelming only when you've lost any sense of the constancy of your life. You need firm ground to stand on. From there, you can deal with that change.
– Richard Nelson Bolles
I have accepted fear as a part of life - specifically the fear of change... I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says: turn back.
– Erica Jong
I have a Woody Allen Jewish attitude to life: that it's all going to be disastrous. That it hasn't all been that way is simply down to some random quirk of fate.
– Antony Sher
I have a very silly sense of humor. I've never laughed harder in my entire life than seeing someone with toilet paper stuck on the bottom of their shoe.
– Paula Poundstone
I have a very busy life, and not many people who have a career and four kids go out a lot to the movies.
– Meryl Streep
I have a responsibility to nurture and shepherd my talent and when I'm living the parts of my life not related to that I feel I have the right to be left alone.
– Ashley Judd
I have a loyalty that runs in my bloodstream, when I lock into someone or something, you can't get me away from it because I commit that thoroughly. That's in friendship, that's a deal, that's a commitment. Don't give me paper - I can get the same lawyer who drew it up to break it. But if you shake my hand, that's for life.
– Jerry Lewis
I have a love/hate relationship with just about all technology in my life. My first typewriter in particular. I had a helluva time putting new ribbon on it.
– Eric Stoltz
I have a lot of sympathy for young people because I realize how disturbed I was. How would I deal with life in the future? What would I do for a living?
– Clyde Tombaugh
I have a lot of money stashed away, but I do live my life from day to day.
– Elton John
I have a lot of amazing women, you know, women in my life who have been an example for me of what not to do.
– Jennifer Aniston
I have a life that I enjoy I try and value the things that I think are worth valuing and everything else is icing. You know, it is a kick to go down the red carpet in that dress and then you go back home.
– Jewel Kilcher
I have a kind of boring personal life, to the paparazzi anyway, and I don't hang with the cool crowd.
– Diane Kruger
I have a great wife and it's very easy to be romantic because it makes her happy and then my life is so much better when she's happy.
– Nicholas Sparks
I have a great respect for incremental improvement, and I've done that sort of thing in my life, but I've always been attracted to the more revolutionary changes. I don't know why. Because they're harder. They're much more stressful emotionally. And you usually go through a period where everybody tells you that you've completely failed.
– Steve Jobs
I have a great family, I live an amazing life.
– John Oates
I have a full life: I have two amazing kids, I have great friends, great family. And right now, that's plenty for me to manage. A new relationship just seems like way too much work.
– Sarah McLachlan
I have a feeling, one of those gut feelings, that I'll make pretty good movies the rest of my life.
– Paul Thomas Anderson
I hate the idea of success robbing you of your private life.
– Paul McCartney
I hate movies that tell people what to think. I'm proud that Democrats thought 'Thank You For Smoking' was their film and Republicans thought it was theirs. I'm proud that pro-choice people thought 'Juno' was their film and pro-life people thought it was theirs.
– Jason Reitman
I hate failure and that divorce was a Number One failure in my eyes. It was the worst period of my life. Neither Desi nor I have been the same since, physically or mentally.
– Lucille Ball
I had two family members involved in World War I: two great-uncles. One of them is on a memorial in France. And the other was a trench runner who survived the war. The average life span of a trench runner was 36 hours, but he survived the whole war.
– Ben Barnes
I had such a close relationship with my dog, and my dog so filled the need in my life to have children that I just wanted Cathy to have that experience.
– Cathy Guisewite
I had people in my life who didn't give up on me: my mother, my aunt, my science teacher. I had one-on-one speech therapy. I had a nanny who spent all day playing turn-taking games with me.
– Temple Grandin
I had only two offers of marriage in my life, and I refused both.
– Catherine Helen Spence
I had one fight in my adult life. I had the famous '89 fight with Nicole, which she admits that she initiated the physical part.
– O. J. Simpson
I had never felt so lonely and so sad in my entire life.
– Susan Smith
I had an amazing experience working with great people. I had a great family, a typical family with drama in certain areas, and that's pretty much everywhere in everyone's life.
– Tina Yothers
I had a very wise person tell me that he thinks marriage, when you're younger, you keep thinking you can fix things. That's what people do. And you can't really fix anything. It shouldn't be a massive difficult thing every day. Life's difficult enough.
– Albert Brooks
I had a little insight into life that most kids probably didn't have. My mother was a schoolteacher, and my father was a social worker. Through his eyes I saw the underside of society.
– Charles Kuralt
I had a go at changing history - maybe not all by myself - I fought at the battle of Normandy, I slogged through the Ardennes, and I celebrated the liberation of Paris on the streets with beautiful French girls throwing flowers at me. I said good-bye to my first true love and discovered what I really wanted to do with my life.
– LeRoy Neiman
I had a fear of becoming anything, a fear of becoming a specialist. I might have become a doctor, but if you become a doctor, that's your specialty in life and you are defined by it. One of the attractions of being a writer is that you're never a specialist. Your field is entirely open your field is the entire human condition.
– Graham Swift
I guess maybe I try to make movies that are closer to real life than are many Hollywood movies. But I still try to stay within a commercial narrative, a contemporary American vernacular.
– Alexander Payne
I guess I was a mom so late in life, my daughter was the greatest thing since sliced bread.
– Candice Bergen
I guess I feel that I was following my instincts, and at the same time being guided by the best. I became totally intrigued with Louisiana - the people, the food. It is a part of my life. Everything that has happened for me since moving here has just been icing on the cake.
– Emeril Lagasse
I guess because I had such a horrible life growing up, going from place to place not knowing what I was gonna do and ending up being homeless, there was a lot of pain and a lot of anger that was coming out through my guitar playing.
– Dave Mustaine
I grew up with just my mom. She and I were like best friends. She's a very independent woman and I admire that about her. In my life, I've tried to be like that. To be okay with being on my own and being independent.
– Emma Roberts
I grew up in a food-obsessed Italian family, so food was always front and center in my life. I was a food obsessed person who morphed into a comedian and tried to figure out a way to make fun of my cake and eat it too.
– Nadia Giosia
I grew up in a family where the internalized understanding was that the kids were going to grow up into a better world. I worry, because I don't think my kids are going to have that. The world is very scary. The world would be scary without the choices the current administration made, but they just exacerbated it. And it ticks me off. I want my kids to have a good life.
– Bradley Whitford
I got stuck up a tree when I was about seven, and my dad had to come and get the ladder to get me down. I loved to climb all the way up to the top. I must have been a koala in my past life.
– Miranda Kerr
I got a gymnastics scholarship to college, fell in love with my true love of my whole life - who I'm married to now - and he was a virgin too. It was very romantic.
– Victoria Jackson
I go home and don't get treated any differently. People have known me all my life and are interested and very supportive but because they have known me forever I don't get any diva treatment. My mum still tells me off if I haven't loaded the dishwasher for her.
– Katherine Jenkins
I get to do the most amazing things. We call it Host in Peril quite often, because people love to see me risk my life or be in danger.
– Rick Mercer
I get half a million just to show up at parties. My life is, like, really, really fun.
– Paris Hilton
I get asked, 'How can you have such failures in your films?' Well, what else is life about? There's some sense of constant failure in something. Humor gives you a distance from it.
– Alexander Payne
I gained direct knowledge of the life of the poor in big towns: I have lived the narrowing mechanism of its conditioning and feared it.
– Ella Maillart
I fought all my life for women to make their own choices, in their personal and professional lives. I made mine.
– Hillary Clinton
I forced myself to think what is the new concept and it became clear to me that it was risk, not only in technology and ecology, but in life and employment, too.
– Ulrich Beck
I find that it's hard to fully examine one's life and not have faith be part of the discussion.
– J. J. Abrams
I find increasingly that the more extreme are the things going on in your life, the more cultural reference points fail you. More mythical reference points actually help, and you realise that's what myths are for. It's for human beings to process their experience in extremis.
– Michael Sheen
I find happiness comes from numerous sources in my life. Most often, the happy moments I cherish most are quiet moments with my wife and family back home in Nova Scotia.
– Peter MacKay
I filmed 'Albatross' before I got 'Downton.' It's a coming-of-age movie about this girl who leaps into this family's life, like a whirlwind. She's ballsy and brash and wonderful, it was such an amazing character to play.
– Jessica Brown Findlay
I figure no matter how old you are, it's always going to be your first marriage and no life experience is going to make you a better judge of who you should marry.
– Utada Hikaru
I felt that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. I felt I was entitled, and thanks to money and fame, I didn't have to go far to find them.
– Tiger Woods
I feel there's a power in theatre, but it's an indirect power. It's like the relationship of the sleeper to the unconscious. You discover things you can't afford to countenance in waking life. You can forget them, remember them a day later or not have any idea what they are about.
– Tony Kushner
I feel the older I get, the more I'm learning to handle life. Being on this quest for a long time, it's all about finding yourself.
– Ringo Starr
I feel like I've lived quite a sheltered life, like my mom and dad were quite protective of me.
– Leona Lewis
I feel like I'm really blessed and lucky that I have a very good social life outside of the gym, and I have a really amazing family. My parents are so supportive. I have a younger brother and two younger sisters, and they're really awesome. So I feel like I get the best of both worlds.
– Aly Raisman
I feel like I'm a fighter. I've fought my whole life to get to where I'm at. I like fight movies. When someone gets knocked down, I like to root for him to succeed.
– Rick Schroder
I feel like I have had the most amazing life in my public service.
– Hillary Clinton
I feel I'd like to share my luck and my life. Being in love is the best thing in the world.
– Susannah York
I feel an obligation to set the record straight. Actors that say they're affected by something, that it changes their life, that they take it home with them, they're just trying to get nominated for an Oscar!
– Joaquin Phoenix
I enjoy privacy. I think it's nice to have a little mystery. I think because of technology a lot of the mystery is gone in life, and I'd like to preserve some of that.
– Maggie Q
I enjoy looking at words on paper and visualizing how to make them come to life. As a director, the creative process is really amazing.
– Alfonso Ribeiro
I enjoy life when things are happening. I don't care if it's good things or bad things. That means you're alive.
– Joan Rivers
I don't write under the ghost of Faulkner. I live in the same town and find his life and work inspiring, but that's it. I have a motorcycle and tool along the country lanes. I travel at my own speed.
– Barry Hannah
I don't write literary fiction - I write books that are entertaining, but are also, I hope, well-constructed and thoughtful and funny and have things to say about men and women and families and children and life in America today.
– Jennifer Weiner
I don't wilt easily, and a director can't either. He's the captain of the ship and he's got to be in total control. He also has to have respect for the people he's working for. From being an actor and being on a set my whole life, I'm very comfortable there. And I'm not afraid.
– Ricky Schroder
I don't want to wake up and not truly be enjoying my life and these amazing things around me.
– Leann Rimes
I don't want to spend the rest of my life in politics. When I'm finished with my term as governor, I'm going back to the life that's waiting for me in the private sector.
– Jesse Ventura
I don't want to spend my life not having good food going into my pie hole. That hole was made for pies.
– Paula Deen
I don't want to put a pause on the rest of my life I'm really enjoying getting older and the wisdom that comes from that.
– Rosemarie DeWitt
I don't want to imitate life in movies I want to represent it. And in that representation, you use the colors you feel, and sometimes they are fake colors. But always it's to show one emotion.
– Pedro Almodovar
I don't want to be reincarnated, that's for sure. When you've had rewarding experiences in your life - a loving family, friends - you don't need additional reassurances that you're going to do something with a new cast of characters. I'd just as soon pass.
– Lewis Thomas
I don't want to be Mr. Romantic Leading Man. I don't want to be the Dance Dude. I don't want to be the Action Guy. If I had to do any one of those all my life, it'd drive me crazy.
– Patrick Swayze
I don't trust what this life has given me.
– Dennis Rodman
I don't trust anybody in my life except my mother and my dogs.
– Cheryl Cole
I don't think you can come into your wisdom until you have made mistakes on your own skin and felt them in reality of your own life.
– Elizabeth Gilbert
I don't think there's anything they can say about me that I haven't said about myself already. And I would be an absolute total liar, and my fans would not respect me, if I said that my life and my marriage are perfect. But we absolutely love each other we have fun together - it's great.
– Mary J. Blige
I don't think that there's been one example in history where somebody has openly talked about their personal life and it's done them any good.
– Rashida Jones