Life Quotes

I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party.
– Ron White
I believe that being an actress or being involved in a movie has to be a life experience, otherwise why go for it? I have to change me, and I have to learn things, and I have to push me and my limits. By acting, I find a freedom inside of a prison in a way.
– Juliette Binoche
I believe life is a series of near misses. A lot of what we ascribe to luck is not luck at all. It's seizing the day and accepting responsibility for your future. It's seeing what other people don't see And pursuing that vision.
– Howard Schultz
I believe in incentivizing people. If you can incentivize people in anything, whether it's in politics in life in spirituality in business just take care of folks. Incentivize them and all of a sudden it's amazing the difference that you'll see.
– Zachary Levi
I began learning the sportswriting business very early in life.
– Dick Schaap
I became very famous, as a teenager, and my name and photo were splashed in all the media. They made me larger than life, so I wanted to live larger than life, and the only way to do that was to be intoxicated.
– Cat Stevens
I became a larger than life figure for one reason only. When you're quoted in the 'Wall Street Journal,' the 'New York Times,' constantly as the expert in the business people assume you're a lot bigger than you are. And then I had to run like hell to catch up with my own image.
– Barbara Corcoran
I assume everything I do in life is gonna be a failure, and then if it turns up roses, then I'm psyched.
– Jonah Hill
I appreciate the 'Surreal Life.' I had a really positive experience on that show, and with those people. I found some love in my heart for religion again, and had the support of a new family of friends. I wouldn't have had the pleasure of meeting those people, if we were not all placed in that fishbowl.
– Vince Neil
I appreciate simplicity, true beauty that lasts over time, and a little wit and eclecticism that make life more fun.
– Elliott Erwitt
I am what I am, I'm doing very well in my life, and I'm thankful to God for that.
– LL Cool J
I am very rich because of 'Chic' - artistically as well as spiritually. It's been an amazing life.
– Nile Rodgers
I am very old-fashioned about marriage. It is for life and I mean it. I always knew that when I met the right girl, the life I had before - being single, in a band, girls everywhere - would be over.
– Gary Numan
I am the woman I grew to be partly in spite of my mother, and partly because of the extraordinary love of her best friends, and my own best friends' mothers, and from surrogates, many of whom were not women at all but gay men. I have loved them my entire life, even after their passing.
– Anne Lamott
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
– Jesus Christ
I am the most well-adjusted human being I know. I started out this investigation as a very happy man with a great career. I've got the life people dream about: I am rich, I am famous, I've got a fabulous marriage to an absolutely, spell-bindingly brilliant woman.
– James Ellroy
I am sure that the sad days and happenings were rare, and that I lived the joyous and careless life of other children but just because the happy days were so habitual to me they made no impression upon my mind, and I can no longer recall them.
– Pierre Loti
I am probably the most selfish man you will ever meet in your life. No one gets the satisfaction or the joy that I get out of seeing kids realize there is hope.
– Jerry Lewis
I am politically pro-choice, but personally pro-life. I have my faith but refuse to force it on the world at large - especially this world, so brutal and unjust. I cannot make these wrenching personal life and death decisions for others - nor do I believe they should be made by a church run by childless men.
– Julianna Baggott
I am not systematic at all when it comes to religion. I just love life. And I'm not judgmental. And I'm a vegetarian.
– Erykah Badu
I am not interested in slice of life, what I want is a slice of the imagination.
– Carlos Fuentes
I am not generous about telling people who I am and what I like to do because it's my life and it only belongs to me and my friends and family.
– Elena Anaya
I am little concerned with beauty or perfection. I don't care for the great centuries. All I care about is life, struggle, intensity.
– Emile Zola
I am known for a life spent in the struggle for freedom, and freedom includes the freedom of religion.
– Oriana Fallaci
I am just absolutely convinced that the best formula for giving us peace and preserving the American way of life is freedom, limited government, and minding our own business overseas.
– Ron Paul
I am intrigued by inanimate objects. They're a piece of history, someone's statement and ideas of life.
– Mike Mills
I am happy as happiness goes, for a woman who has so many memories and who lives the lonely life of an actress.
– Lillie Langtry
I am God's vessel. But my greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live.
– Kanye West
I am for a clear distinction between public and private life. I believe private matters should be regulated in private and I have asked those close to me to respect this.
– Francois Hollande
I am extremely excited to develop and design a brand representative of my life, experiences and style. Working closely with Cherokee will help establish a worldwide presence with best-in-class retailers and category leaders.
– Alessandra Ambrosio
I am endlessly busy, bringing up five young kids, and trying to keep up with the three older ones. I still spend most of my life driving car pools.
– Danielle Steel
I am convinced that material things can contribute a lot to making one's life pleasant, but, basically, if you do not have very good friends and relatives who matter to you, life will be really empty and sad and material things cease to be important.
– David Rockefeller
I am certain no one sets out to be cruel, but our treatment of the elderly ill seems to have no philosophy to it. As a society, we should establish whether we have a policy of life at any cost.
– Terry Pratchett
I am blessed to have so many great things in my life - family, friends and God. All will be in my thoughts daily.
– Lil' Kim
I am at home in many cultures. I live actively in three continents and I've done that for most of my life, so I just make films as I see the world, and that happens to speak to people. I do things that I want to do.
– Mira Nair
I am a walking piece of art every day, with my dreams and my ambitions forward at all times in an effort to inspire my fans to lead their life in that way.
– Lady Gaga
I am a sportsman and not a politician. I am a sportsman and will always remain one. I am not going to enter politics giving up cricket, which is my life. I will continue to play cricket.
– Sachin Tendulkar
I am a relationship girl. That's kind of just how I'm made... When you're in my life, it's actually very contained.
– Charlize Theron
I am a perfectionist but I know how to live life. When I'm working, it's 100%. When I'm with my friends, I put everything away and enjoy life. When I come home to my kids, it's pure joy and everything's worth it. Every time, I really focus 100 percent on one thing. I've learned how to juggle my life and I feel like now I have the perfect balance.
– Monique Lhuillier
I am a happy person and I choose to be a positive person. I think some people think my life has been tragic and there have been these horrible dramas but things really have been, and are, fine.
– Patsy Kensit
I am a firm believer that God has already ordered the things that have taken place in my life...and I'm just learning to follow the path he's laid before me.
– Monica Denise Brown
I am a feminist, and what that means to me is much the same as the meaning of the fact that I am Black: it means that I must undertake to love myself and to respect myself as though my very life depends upon self-love and self-respect.
– June Jordan
I always wanted to be a zookeeper when I was growing up, and I've wound up a zookeeper! I've been working with the Los Angeles Zoo for 45 years! I'm the luckiest old broad on two feet because my life is divided absolutely in half - half animals and half show business. You can't ask for better than two things you love the most.
– Betty White
I always wanted my music to influence the life you were living emotionally - with your family, your lover, your wife, and, at a certain point, with your children.
– Bruce Springsteen
I always want to write erotic music... Not only about the love between men and women, but in a much more universal sense - about the sensuality of the mechanism of the universe... about life.
– Toru Takemitsu
I always try to keep the circumstances in my life fresh. I like to change the physical environment I live in, change the people around me and try to experience things for the first time. I think that keeps one on their toes, creatively and spiritually.
– Lenny Kravitz
I always tried to do things by example, even though I was not a very good mother regarding routines and family life.
– Vivienne Westwood
I always think about which blood drive was going on in Georgia that day when that husband or mom or school teacher rolled up their sleeve and actually gave me a second chance at life. It's the ultimate gift of life, and I'm the one who was on the other end.
– Niki Taylor
I always separated sports and my personal life.
– Carl Lewis
I always say you can never be extravagant with beauty. Beauty is God made real. Beauty is life.
– Imelda Marcos
I always prayed that God would give me the wisdom and the vision to do the things on this earth that I was supposed to do to express His life and love and His will.
– Billy Ray Cyrus
I always had a larger view. I'm interested in real life - my family, my friends. I have tried never to define myself by my success, whatever that is. My happiness is way beyond roles and awards.
– Amy Adams
I always found the extraordinary loss of life in the First World War very moving. I remember learning about it as a very young child, as an eight- or nine-year-old, asking my teachers what poppies were for. Every year the teachers would suddenly wear these red paper flowers in their lapels, and I would say 'What does that mean?'
– Tom Hiddleston
I always believed in God and Christ, but I was in rebellion - trying to make my relationship with God fit into my life instead of making my life fit in with him. I was stubborn.
– Scott Stapp
I also wanted to express the strength of cinema to hide reality, while being entertaining. Cinema can fill in the empty spaces of your life and your loneliness.
– Pedro Almodovar
I also found that for myself, since I've had no religious education, it was so interesting to see the different versions of heaven and what life on earth means.
– Barbara Walters
I admit to wasting my life messing around with fast cars and motorcycles.
– Brock Yates
I actually may do a musical next year... not one that I've written one that I may star in. Plus my concert and other people's work and all of a sudden you've got a very full life.
– Harvey Fierstein
I actually have more respect for people who are in the closet. You end up exposing so much of yourself because you have to talk about your sexual life. You shouldn't have to talk about it.
– Randy Harrison
I absolutely believe in the power of tithing and giving back. My own experience about all the blessings I've had in my life is that the more I give away, the more that comes back. That is the way life works, and that is the way energy works.
– Ken Blanchard
Hunger and fear are the only realities in dog life: an empty stomach makes a fierce dog.
– Robert Falcon Scott
Humor is imperative, more important than food. You have a choice when someone dies. You can lie down or get back into life. Do something for someone else.
– Doris Roberts
Humility is the only true wisdom by which we prepare our minds for all the possible changes of life.
– George Arliss
However, we might oppose it, abortion is a sad feature of modern life.
– Robert Casey
How many deaf people do you know in real life? Unless they live in a cave, or are 14, which seems to be true for most people in this business, what could I possibly tell them that they don't already know?
– Marlee Matlin
How can they say my life is not a success? Have I not for more than sixty years got enough to eat and escaped being eaten?
– Logan P. Smith
Hope is the cordial that keeps life from stagnating.
– Samuel Richardson
Hope is a feeling that life and work have meaning. You either have it or you don't, regardless of the state of the world that surrounds you.
– Vaclav Havel
Honesty and integrity are absolutely essential for success in life - all areas of life. The really good news is that anyone can develop both honesty and integrity.
– Zig Ziglar
Honest to God, all my life I have had such a fear of spiders. In fact, I use to have a reoccurring dream about one. Very clearly, it was black with a red head. It would sit up in the corner of the bedroom and when it started getting closer, I would wake up in a panic.
– Tippi Hedren
Home life ceases to be free and beautiful as soon as it is founded on borrowing and debt.
– Henrik Ibsen
Home life is no more natural to us than a cage is natural to a cockatoo.
– George Bernard Shaw
Home life's great, man. The kids are great, happy and healthy. I've reached this sort of wonderful precipice.
– Ryan Phillippe
Holding on to anger, resentment and hurt only gives you tense muscles, a headache and a sore jaw from clenching your teeth. Forgiveness gives you back the laughter and the lightness in your life.
– Joan Lunden
Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.
– Langston Hughes
Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow.
– Langston Hughes
History shows that our way of life is the stronger way. From it has come more wealth, more industry, more happiness, more human enlightenment than from any other way.
– Wendell Willkie
Historically, the family has played the primary role in educating children for life, with the school providing supplemental scaffolding to the family.
– Stephen Covey
His imagination conceived and bore - worlds but nothing in these worlds became alive until he discovered its true and living name. The name was the breath of life and, sooner or later, he invariably found it.
– Algernon H. Blackwood
Here's what I tell anybody and this is what I believe. The greatest gift we have is the gift of life. We understand that. That comes from our Creator. We're given a body. Now you may not like it, but you can maximize that body the best it can be maximized.
– Mike Ditka
Here's the thing that I think about life - if you manage to get into a space where you don't need that much, where the overhead of your life is not that great and you're pretty happy and relaxed without that much stuff, you are really liberated because you never have to say yes to something because you want another refrigerator or car!
– Brit Marling
Here's the thing about movies, all movies end up on television. That's their life. Whether you like it or not, I don't care how much money you spend on it, or how big or broad the film is, or who the actors are in it, eventually it's all coming out of the box.
– Greg Kinnear
Here's a news flash: No soldier gives his life. That's not the way it works. Most soldiers who make a conscious decision to place themselves in harm's way do it to protect their buddies. They do it because of the bonds of friendship - and it goes so much deeper than friendship.
– Eric Massa
Here comes 40. I'm feeling my age and I've ordered the Ferrari. I'm going to get the whole mid-life crisis package.
– Keanu Reeves
Health is the soul that animates all the enjoyments of life, which fade and are tasteless without it.
– Lucius Annaeus Seneca
He who has so little knowledge of human nature as to seek happiness by changing anything but his own disposition will waste his life in fruitless efforts.
– Samuel Johnson
He who draws noble delights from sentiments of poetry is a true poet, though he has never written a line in all his life.
– George Sand
He who does not accept and respect those who want to reject life does not truly accept and respect life itself.
– Thomas Szasz
He has spent his life best who has enjoyed it most. God will take care that we do not enjoy it any more than is good for us.
– Samuel Butler
Having to travel so much plays havoc with your personal life.
– Renee Fleming
Having good health, being able to breathe and be happy, that's one of the most beautiful gifts. On top of that, I have the gift to play music and make people happy through that. I'm just telling you from my heart, I'm so in love with life.
– Roy Ayers
Having a child makes you realize the importance of life - narcissism goes out the window. Heaven on earth is looking at my little boy. The minute he was born, I knew if I never did anything other than being a mom, I'd be fine.
– Jenny McCarthy
Have you ever loved somebody, loved her completely, but had to end the relationship for life reasons?
– John Mayer
Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.
– W. Clement Stone
Have an earnestness for death and you will have life.
– Abu Bakr
Have a sense of humor about life - you will need it. And be courteous.
– Peter Jennings
Hats have been my thing pretty much my whole life but finance has not. I would go to the corner store and buy really cheap baseball style caps and wear those to school.
– Ne-Yo
Hatred is corrosive of a person's wisdom and conscience the mentality of enmity can poison a nation's spirit, instigate brutal life and death struggles, destroy a society's tolerance and humanity, and block a nation's progress to freedom and democracy.
– Liu Xiaobo
Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy. There's going to be stress in life, but it's your choice whether you let it affect you or not.
– Valerie Bertinelli
Happiness has a bad rap. People say it shouldn't be your goal in life. Oh, yes it should.
– Richard Dreyfuss