Power Quotes

I never told a victim story about my imprisonment. Instead, I told a transformation story - about how prison changed my outlook, about how I saw that communication, truth, and trust are at the heart of power.
– Fernando Flores
I mean, being a child was being a child, was being a creature without power, without pocket money, without escape routes of any kind. So I didn't want to be a child.
– Maurice Sendak
I may be alone in this, but I do sense the power of film, in that movies have the ability to literally change people's minds. That's pretty powerful stuff when you consider that.
– Nicolas Cage
I like to make music, I like rap music. Even if I'm white, I support that music. If I want to support it or any other white kid wants to support it more power to them.
– Kid Rock
I just believe in the goodwill of people, the power of people to do something positive.
– Eddie Izzard
I hope to attend it as Japan needs to tell the world the lessons, knowledge and reflections learned from the nuclear crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant.
– Yoshihiko Noda
I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us, that the less we use our power the greater it will be.
– Thomas Jefferson
I have strongly rejected the proposal to pardon and transfer her to the United States. I do not have the legal power to pardon terrorists and even if I did, I would not use it.
– Alberto Fujimori
I have now taken a serious task upon myself and I fear a greater one that is in the power of any man to perform in the given time-but it is too late to go back.
– Eli Whitney
I have been, and will go on, fighting that damnable, dirty, rotten business with all the power at my command.
– Billy Sunday
I had rather excel others in the knowledge of what is excellent, than in the extent of my power and dominion.
– Alexander the Great
I had a career and I came to motherhood late and am not married and have never had such a trusting relationship with a man - and trust is where the real power of love comes from.
– Diane Keaton
I got into acting because my teachers kept nudging me into it. The power a teacher has to influence someone is so great. I can't think of a profession I have more respect for.
– Jon Hamm
I feel there's a power in theatre, but it's an indirect power. It's like the relationship of the sleeper to the unconscious. You discover things you can't afford to countenance in waking life. You can forget them, remember them a day later or not have any idea what they are about.
– Tony Kushner
I emphasize self-esteem, self-confidence, and dignity, not as an ideal, but as a real test of community organization. Without leadership development, community organizations do not have staying power.
– Paul Wellstone
I don't blame the players today for the money. I blame the owners. They started it. They wanna give it to 'em? More power to 'em.
– Yogi Berra
I do support artists standing by their beliefs and walking with integrity. We have to find a better way to commercially exploit music while giving artists their proper respect. This cannot be done while taking their contributions for granted or trying to control the scope of their growth and power through threats and fear tactics.
– Lauryn Hill
I do believe we're all connected. I do believe in positive energy. I do believe in the power of prayer. I do believe in putting good out into the world. And I believe in taking care of each other.
– Harvey Fierstein
I deeply believe that if the Australian Labor Party, a party of which I have been a proud member for more than 30 years, is to have the best future for our nation, then it must change fundamentally its culture and to end the power of faceless men. Australia must be governed by the people, not by the factions.
– Kevin Rudd
I certainly know there are people in positions of power in the business who lack imagination and, perhaps as a result of that, think of me as 'David'. But I wouldn't really want to work with those people, you know?
– Michael C. Hall
I can very well do without God both in my life and in my painting, but I cannot, suffering as I am, do without something which is greater than I am, which is my life, the power to create.
– Vincent van Gogh
I believe there's an inner power that makes winners or losers. And the winners are the ones who really listen to the truth of their hearts.
– Sylvester Stallone
I believe that the will of the people is resolved by a strong leadership. Even in a democratic society, events depend on a strong leadership with a strong power of persuasion, and not on the opinion of the masses.
– Yitzhak Shamir
I believe that music in itself heals and that everything is about the power of the mind. I thought if you are happy, you don't get ill. Your health is in your head. When you are satisfied with your work, you don't get ill.
– Andre Rieu
I believe in the compelling power of love. I do not understand it. I believe it to be the most fragrant blossom of all this thorny existence.
– Theodore Dreiser
I believe in God, family, truth between people, the power of love.
– Michael Landon
I believe 100 percent in the power and importance of music.
– James Taylor
I also take pleasure in the so-called negative power in Grotjahn's work. That is, I love his paintings for what they are not. Unlike much art of the past decade, Grotjahn isn't simply working from a prescribed checklist of academically acceptable, curator-approved 'isms' and twists.
– Jerry Saltz
I actually don't know anyone who wants to be famous for fame's sake, at least not anyone I respect. But you need to have a certain amount of power in order to be able to do what you want.
– Michael Ian Black
I absolutely believe in the power of tithing and giving back. My own experience about all the blessings I've had in my life is that the more I give away, the more that comes back. That is the way life works, and that is the way energy works.
– Ken Blanchard
Human beings are accustomed to think of intellect as the power of having and controlling ideas and of ability to learn as synonymous with ability to have ideas. But learning by having ideas is really one of the rare and isolated events in nature.
– Edward Thorndike
Hope... is the companion of power, and the mother of success for who so hopes has within him the gift of miracles.
– Samuel Smiles
He who has great power should use it lightly.
– Lucius Annaeus Seneca
He that fails in his endeavors after wealth or power will not long retain either honesty or courage.
– Samuel Johnson
He is the best sailor who can steer within fewest points of the wind, and exact a motive power out of the greatest obstacles.
– Sir Walter Scott
Having knowledge but lacking the power to express it clearly is no better than never having any ideas at all.
– Pericles
God exists, if only in the form of a meme with high survival value, or infective power, in the environment provided by human culture.
– Richard Dawkins
Girl power is about loving yourself and having confidence and strength from within, so even if you're not wearing a sexy outfit, you feel sexy.
– Nicole Scherzinger
From this process has emerged a parallel process of translating traditional working and living values into a new political and economic power - a power increasingly based upon the strength of money and those material things money can purchase.
– Alex Campbell
Freedom is a man's natural power of doing what he pleases, so far as he is not prevented by force or law.
– Marcus Tullius Cicero
Fortune, which has a great deal of power in other matters but especially in war, can bring about great changes in a situation through very slight forces.
– Julius Caesar
Forgiveness really is so misunderstood, as well as the power it can release in an individual.
– Jennifer O'Neill
For the victor peace means the preservation of the position of power which he has secured. For the vanquished it means resigning himself to the position left to him.
– Gustav Stresemann
For the first time in our history, ideology and theology hold a monopoly of power in Washington.
– Bill Moyers
For real change, we need feminine energy in the management of the world. We need a critical number of women in positions of power, and we need to nurture the feminine energy in men.
– Isabel Allende
For me, 'Rent' was all about coming out of myself, finding out who I was, learning the power I could have as a performer.
– Idina Menzel
For it pleased God, after he had made all things by the word of his power, to create man after his own image.
– George Whitefield
For about ten years now, the struggle for democracy and the respect of human rights has been in the focus point - if not a commodity - of political groups aiming to rise to power.
– Omar Bongo
For 50 years, nuclear power stations have produced three products which only a lunatic could want: bomb-explosive plutonium, lethal radioactive waste and electricity so dear it has to be heavily subsidised. They leave to future generations the task, and most of the cost, of making safe sites that have been polluted half-way to eternity.
– James Buchan
First-person narrators is the way I know how to write a book with the greatest power and chance of artistic success.
– Anne Rice
Few enterprises of great labor or hazard would be undertaken if we had not the power of magnifying the advantages we expect from them.
– Samuel Johnson
Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power.
– Benito Mussolini
Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.
– Thomas Jefferson
Everyone has their own insecurities, regardless of how you look or how people perceive you, but sometimes people give their insecurities too much power. Defining beauty is simply a matter of opinion. For me, real beauty has very little to do with the structure of someone's face or body.
– Devon Aoki
Everyone has determination - it's a question of how you use it. Hers is based on power and success and conquering she doesn't care what she has to do or who gets hurt in the process. In that way we're very, very different.
– Dannii Minogue
Everyone can relate to love, hurt, pain, learning how to forgive, needing to get over, needing the power of God in their life.
– Tyler Perry
Every one of our greatest national treasures, our liberty, enterprise, vitality, wealth, military power, global authority, flow from a surprising source: our ability to give thanks.
– Tony Snow
Every American, regardless of their background, has the right to live free of unwarranted government intrusion. Repealing the worst provisions of the Patriot Act will reign in this gross abuse of power and restore to everyone our basic Constitutional rights.
– Pete Stark
Every addition to true knowledge is an addition to human power.
– Horace Mann
Even before he came to power in 1997, Gordon Brown promised to change the accounts to parliament from simple litanies of cash in and cash out, to a more commercial system that took notice of the public property the departments were using. This system is known as resource accounting.
– James Buchan
Education is a human right with immense power to transform. On its foundation rest the cornerstones of freedom, democracy and sustainable human development.
– Kofi Annan
Dreaming is an act of pure imagination, attesting in all men a creative power, which if it were available in waking, would make every man a Dante or Shakespeare.
– Frederick Henry Hedge
Dr. Einstein was not successful in school, but he found something in the air from his own imagination and his own brain power, and look what he did.
– Eartha Kitt
Do not call for black power or green power. Call for brain power.
– Barbara Jordan
Defining marriage is a power that should be left to the states. Moreover, no state should be forced to recognize a marriage that is not within its own laws, Constitution, and legal precedents.
– John Sununu
Courage to be is the key to revelatory power of the feminist revolution.
– Mary Daly
Core strength and stability is very important to me. Tennis is all about rotation of the body and my ability to create power. I incorporate a lot of abdominal, back and glute exercises into my gym sessions.
– Samantha Stosur
China has not established the rule of law and if there is a power above the law there is no social justice. Everybody can be subjected to harm. I'm just a citizen: my life is equal in value to any other. But I'm thankful that when I lost my freedom so many people shared feelings and put such touching effort into helping me.
– Ai Weiwei
Carry out the republican principle of universal suffrage, or strike it from your banners and substitute 'Freedom and Power to one half of society, and Submission and Slavery to the other.'
– Ernestine Rose
By nature's kindly disposition most questions which it is beyond a man's power to answer do not occur to him at all.
– George Santayana
But what is after all the happiness of mere power? There is a greater happiness possible than to be lord of heaven and earth that is the happiness of being truly loved.
– Lafcadio Hearn
But we got up there and decided to stick to this mix of power chords and funk and that's where it really started for us. In having the courage to take that decision. To take a gamble not just with our music but our lives.
– Michael Hutchence
But the relationship of morality and power is a very subtle one. Because ultimately power without morality is no longer power.
– James Baldwin
But the power of science lies in open publication, which, with the rise of the Internet, is no longer constrained by the price of paper.
– Michael Shermer
But only art and music have the power to bring peace.
– Yoko Ono
But in its final creation it was not the part of the Father's power to fail as though exhausted. It was not the part of His wisdom to waver in a needful matter through poverty of counsel.
– Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
But constant experience shows us that every man invested with power is apt to abuse it, and to carry his authority as far as it will go.
– Charles De Secondat
But America was founded on the principle that every person has God-given rights. That power belongs to the people. That government exists to protect our rights and serve our interests.That we shouldn't be trapped in the circumstances of our birth. That we should be free to go as far as our talents and work can take us.
– Marco Rubio
Business is in itself a power.
– Garet Garrett
Bush's war in Iraq has done untold damage to the United States. It has impaired our military power and undermined the morale of our armed forces. Our troops were trained to project overwhelming power. They were not trained for occupation duties.
– George Soros
Burning desire to be or do something gives us staying power - a reason to get up every morning or to pick ourselves up and start in again after a disappointment.
– Marsha Sinetar
Brain power improves by brain use, just as our bodily strength grows with exercise. And there is no doubt that a large proportion of the female population, from school days to late middle age, now have very complicated lives indeed.
– A. N. Wilson
Big-government proponents embrace both the power of the federal government and the idea that millions of Americans ought to be dependent on its largesse. It's time to return to our Founders' love for small government. More is not always better.
– Gary Bauer
Believe me, my children have more stamina than a power station.
– Robbie Coltrane
Being famous is having the power to really implement positive change in the world, and it gives you the power to do what you want. I'm really grateful for it because I can play music and people will listen.
– Sean Lennon
Being an actor in movies is a lot about the power of your imagination and making the circumstance real to you so the audience will feel that it's real.
– Joel Kinnaman
Before we decide to trust you with this power, we ask you to stand before the public and explain your views. Justice may be blind, but it should not be deaf.
– Herb Kohl
Before we acquire great power we must acquire wisdom to use it well.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
Before this government came to power, many failing schools were simply allowed to drift on in a pattern of continuing failure. The government is determined to break that pattern and is successfully doing so.
– Estelle Morris
Before 'Schindler's List,' I wouldn't have believed movies had a lot of power for social change.
– Liam Neeson
Because, in fact, women, feminists, do read my poetry, and they read it often with the power of their political interpretation. I don't care that's what poetry is supposed to do.
– Diane Wakoski
Because primarily of the power of the Internet, people of modest means can band together and amass vast sums of money that can change the world for some public good if they all agree.
– William J. Clinton
Because parents have power over children. They feel they have to do what their parents say. But the love of money is the root of all evil. And this is a sweet child. And to see him turn like this, this isn't him. This is not him.
– Michael Jackson
Beauty, like truth, is relative to the time when one lives and to the individual who can grasp it. The expression of beauty is in direct ratio to the power of conception the artist has acquired.
– Gustave Courbet
Barack Obama's enemies are the people who make this country work. Barack Obama's enemies are those who succeed. Those are the people whose income he wants to redistribute. Those are the people whose income he wants to take, using the power and the force of the federal government to do it.
– Rush Limbaugh
Ayurveda is a sister philosophy to yoga. It is the science of life or longevity and it teaches about the power and the cycles of nature, as well as the elements.
– Christy Turlington
Athletic competition clearly defines the unique power of our attitude.
– Bart Starr
At our computer club, we talked about it being a revolution. Computers were going to belong to everyone, and give us power, and free us from the people who owned computers and all that stuff.
– Steve Wozniak
At a young age, I was interested in comic books, which was really how I learnt to read. The name Cage came from a comic book character called Power Man.
– Nicolas Cage
As women slowly gain power, their values and priorities are reshaping the agenda. A multitude of studies show that when women control the family funds, they generally spend more on health, nutrition, and education - and less on alcohol and cigarettes.
– Dee Dee Myers