Quotes about: business

Judaism is much more communal, and partly as a consequence of my religious switch, I am increasingly more suspicous of my previous view that what people do in the privacy of their own home is their business alone.
– Luke Ford
Jesus picked up twelve men from the bottom ranks of business and forged them into an organisation that conquered the world.
– Bruce Barton
It's weird to have people so interested in your personal life. It's a part of the business that grosses me out. I'm always bummed out for people who just happen to be dating a celebrity, and they're also famous, and they can't live their life.
– Andy Samberg
It's very different than it use to be. I think everybody has a lot more experience in how to be in a relationship - whether it's a marriage or a significant other or a business or a friend.
– Kathy Valentine
It's up to the courage of the filmmakers to make art in cinema, not just business. John was rejected by studios, he borrowed money and did movies with his own money. You're either courageous or not. You have to find a way.
– Ben Gazzara
It's tough because a lot of my friends in normal life, a lot of my friends in the entertainment business, and a lot of my friends in the wrestling business are gay. Just to say something spiteful and hurtful, I don't get it... if it was true and I was gay, I'd embrace it, and I'd tell you guys about it and I'd celebrate it.
– Hulk Hogan
It's to paint directly on the canvas without any funny business, as it were, and I use almost pure turpentine to start with, adding oil as I go along until the medium becomes pure oil. I use as little oil as I can possibly help, and that's my method.
– Edward Hopper
It's time to fundamentally change the way that we do business in Washington. To help build a new foundation for the 21st century, we need to reform our government so that it is more efficient, more transparent, and more creative. That will demand new thinking and a new sense of responsibility for every dollar that is spent.
– Barack Obama
It's so hard for women in this business. And I want to be doing this when I'm 50.
– Sienna Miller
It's show business. No show, no business.
– Dick Wolf
It's not just Bin Laden or just those that are involved in the counterterrorism effort. We've gotta cast the net broader than that. But I think it's a - very special tribute that we all owe to the bravery and courage of the men and women in the intelligence and military business who performed so well to finally get it done.
– Dick Cheney
It's not hard to get your way when it's your way or the highway. People either follow suit or they're not around. I don't really like the sound of that, 'cause that sounds like a temper tantrum. I'm just very black and white when it comes to my business. There's really no gray area.
– Nicki Minaj
It's like you always have to put on a happy face, be the phony baloney, and I'm so not that. I never was that I'll never be that. That is part of the business that I don't like. Maybe that will always keep me an outsider, I don't know. But that's fine.
– Chloe Sevigny
It's getting better generally, daily, especially in TV, for women in acting and age and looks count less. As more women come into the business. Change of any sort takes a long time to happen.
– Julie Walters
It's far too much to say that effective hoping is the only - or even the biggest - part of what it takes to succeed. If 14% of business productivity can be attributed to hope, that means 86% is dependent on raw talent, fickle business cycles, the quality of the product you're selling, and often pure, dumb luck.
– Jeffrey Kluger
It's been a joy to be a part of other people's journey, to be able to inspire and be a part of new singers coming up in this business.
– Christina Aguilera
It's a reality that in this business there's an expectation of being thin. But having a baby is a reality too, and it's more important for me to make milk than to fit into those tiny pants. So that's just going to have to wait.
– Emily Procter
It's a real roller-coaster ride if you're lucky to have longevity in this business - you have to be able to ride those waves.
– Jennifer Lopez
It's a lot of work to keep reinventing yourself and coming up with new stuff, but that's what it takes to be in show business.
– Donny Osmond
It's a libel to say that I use my newspapers to support my other business interests. The fact is, I haven't got any other business interests.
– Rupert Murdoch
It was never in my dreams to make my personal life anybody else's business.
– Ethan Hawke
It was my first big relationship and it was just very abusive. I wouldn't give him the credit of naming him, if he ever reads this. But he was older, in the music business - or so he said.
– Lisa Snowdon
It never made sense to me that someone would achieve any kind of success in show business, only to become a jerk.
– Josh Radnor
It means a lot in my business and its a wonderful feeling to be recognized for what you have done over a lifetime, but I didn't go crazy. I still eat my cereal in the morning, have a sandwich in the afternoon, go to bed at night. You know, nothing really different.
– Regis Philbin
It is usually people in the money business, finance, and international trade that are really rich.
– Robin Leach
It is the artist's business to create sunshine when the sun fails.
– Romain Rolland
It is one of my sources of happiness never to desire a knowledge of other people's business.
– Dolley Madison
It is just as important that business keep out of government as that government keep out of business.
– Herbert Hoover
It is easier for women to succeed in business, the arts, and politics in America than in Europe.
– Hedy Lamarr
It is clearly better that property should be private, but the use of it common and the special business of the legislator is to create in men this benevolent disposition.
– Aristotle
It is awfully important to know what is and what is not your business.
– Gertrude Stein
It can be hard in this business, especially when you're very young, to figure out who you can and can't trust.
– Christina Aguilera
Interior design is a business of trust.
– Venus Williams
Interest in business ethics courses has surged, and student activities at leading business schools are more focused than ever before on making business serve long-term social values.
– Peter Singer
Integrate purpose into your for-profit business model through a long term commitment to a cause that is aligned with your core values and those of your community.
– Simon Mainwaring
Independent film is almost nonexistent right now, because all the distributers that used to love to put out these little art films are all out of business right now, because it costs so much to open a movie.
– Ron Perlman
In today's world, it is no longer unimaginable to think that business can operate - and even thrive - in an environmentally-friendly manner.
– Olympia Snowe
In today's social business marketplace Facebook is one of the best places for nonprofits to be discovered and connect with a larger audience on the basis of shared values. So to get started, a non-profit should launch a Facebook page and invite your existing real world community to connect your cause and their networks.
– Simon Mainwaring
In this day and age, you need a lot of patience if you are in the movie business.
– Brett Ratner
In this business, my business, I get to meet all kinds of incredible people, fascinating people, glamorous people and sexy people and highly intellectual people. And you meet them and you go 'interesting, interesting, interesting'. They're interesting, but not very many people stop you in your tracks.
– Madonna Ciccone
In this business, if you take too long, the landscape changes. So the opportunities that were there when I decided to take a break weren't there when I came back. It's like, 'Wait a second - what happened here?' It was a real learning experience. I've paid my dues, I will tell you that.
– Chris O'Donnell
In this business, if you don't pay your debts you're finished.
– Roger Stone
In this business you have to develop a thick skin, but I'm always going to feel everything. It's my nature.
– Taylor Swift
In this business, by the time you realize you're in trouble, it's too late to save yourself. Unless you're running scared all the time, you're gone.
– Bill Gates
In the US, there is basically one party - the business party. It has two factions, called Democrats and Republicans, which are somewhat different but carry out variations on the same policies. By and large, I am opposed to those policies. As is most of the population.
– Noam Chomsky
In the social business marketplace, brands that hope to build loyal and growing communities do so most effectively when they demonstrate their core values and allow a community to build and engage around it.
– Simon Mainwaring
In the NFL a lot of times everyone gets caught up in the business side of things. For them it's all about money and it really leaves a sour taste in your mouth.
– Brett Favre
In the music business, especially the country music business, every 10 years or so you're going to have this changing of the guard, this wave of new artists that comes in.
– Jason Aldean
In the end, the humanities can only be defended by stressing how indispensable they are and this means insisting on their vital role in the whole business of academic learning, rather than protesting that, like some poor relation, they don't cost much to be housed.
– Terry Eagleton
In the end, all business operations can be reduced to three words: people, product, and profits.
– Lee Iacocca
In the coming years, if not sooner, social media will become a powerful tool that consumers will aggressively use to influence business attitudes and force companies into greater social responsibility - and, I suggest, move us towards a more sustainable practice of capitalism.
– Simon Mainwaring
In the business world today, failure is apparently not an option. We need to change this attitude toward failure - and celebrate the idea that only by falling on our collective business faces do we learn enough to succeed down the road.
– Naveen Jain
In terms of the technology I use the most, it's probably a tie between my Blackberry and my MacBook Pro laptop. That's how I communicate with the rest of the world and how I handle all the business I have to handle.
– John Legend
In terms of having a business, I wanted to let it go beyond what my personal taste is. Basically, I'm in a kilt and a white shirt every day. So, you know, I don't have a lot of scope, and I'm really picky about what I wear.
– Marc Jacobs
In recent years, I've been writing because I'm fortunate enough to work in the world of food television, to travel and taste and learn about cooking from the best chefs in the business.
– Ted Allen
In principle, there are only three main components of spending that much matter to monetary policy: consumer spending, business investment and exports and trade.
– Evan Davis
In practice we, in the world, must do business with each other.
– David Mamet
In my column series 'The Main Thing,' I often talk about how Internet technology can improve the way people communicate - both within a business and between a business and its customers and partners.
– Jim Barksdale
In my business, if I get too close to you and you die, it hurts me. And so you develop a natural inclination not to be close to the patient, so that if things don't work out ideally, you can still get up the next day and care for the next patient.
– Mehmet Oz
In business, you're the Chief Salesman. Create a sense of demand, rather than waiting to have demand.
– Barbara Corcoran
In business for yourself, not by yourself.
– William James
In both business and personal life, I've always found that travel inspires me more than anything else I do. Evidence of the languages, cultures, scenery, food, and design sensibilities that I discover all over the world can be found in every piece of my jewelry.
– Ivanka Trump
In an age of incompetence, I've been able to last in this crazy business. I actually know how to play my ax and write a song. That's my job.
– Billy Joel
In America, we no longer have an institutionalized, organized way of calling business to task - of taking them to account for what they've done - and this is especially true in the cultural realm.
– Thomas Frank
In almost every profession - whether it's law or journalism, finance or medicine or academia or running a small business - people rely on confidential communications to do their jobs. We count on the space of trust that confidentiality provides. When someone breaches that trust, we are all worse off for it.
– Hillary Clinton
In 1973, women got 59 cents on the dollar now we are getting 74 cents on the dollar. In the area of finance and business, we are at 68 cents on the dollar.
– Billie Jean King
If you're an entrepreneur and you think that the president makes a difference to your business, you should stay at your current job.
– Guy Kawasaki
If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help... Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business - you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.
– Barack Obama
If you want to stay in the business then you've got to be a bit shrewd, haven't you?
– Katie Price
If you want to have a good life, you should focus on your family, on your business, on your dog, on your fun, and you'll have a good life.
– Adam Carolla
If you spend your life competing with business men, what do you have? A bank account and ulcers!
– Marilyn Monroe
If you say, 'I'm going to cut this song because I know the teenagers are going to love it,' well, then you're going to alienate everybody else. When I cut my record, I'm just going to cut the things that I like, and whoever likes it, likes it. That's too much work to try to figure out the demographic. That's too much like a business.
– Jason Aldean
If you like a person you say 'let's go into business together.' Man is a social animal after all, but such partnerships are fraught with danger.
– Brian Tracy
If you have to fight a crowd of boys, it's best to go for the biggest one. That way you won't have to fight them all. The others will see that you mean business and you will win their respect.
– Suzanne Vega
If you have a line of business - I know this as a CEO - or if you have a teenager - I know this as a parent - who have a spending problem, what do you do? You quit giving them money.
– Carly Fiorina
If you don't understand the details of your business you are going to fail.
– Jeff Bezos
If you deprive yourself of outsourcing and your competitors do not, you're putting yourself out of business.
– Lee Kuan Yew
If you create something that is asking for people to respond as they're going to respond, you have to allow them to respond as they're going to respond. Some of the people are going to be uninterested and some people are going to be mad for some reason, which is their business. That's just the way the world is.
– Charlie Kaufman
If you can measure success in this business based on happiness alone I feel like I've hit the lottery.
– Justin Long
If you build that foundation, both the moral and the ethical foundation, as well as the business foundation, and the experience foundation, then the building won't crumble.
– Henry Kravis
If we get our self-esteem from superficial places, from our popularity, appearance, business success, financial situation, health, any of these, we will be disappointed, because no one can guarantee that we'll have them tomorrow.
– Kathy Ireland
If there is anything I would do differently in my life, it is that I would study business more. I'm trying to teach my daughter Chloe at an early age about investing and money so she's not afraid of it.
– Donna Mills
If people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand that difference, and choose their news sources accordingly.
– Thomas Sowell
If my daughter wants to get into this business, I would support that decision. She's going to have a hard time not being in it. She loves food and she's around it all the time.
– Bobby Flay
If I love you, what business is it of yours?
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
If I get married, it's something you really have to work at. It's hard enough to work at having a relationship with best friends and girls that are in the business.
– Selma Blair
If I could set a world record, it would be that I have 150 business partners, all with thriving businesses of their own that started with nothing and I made the difference to make them all billionaires.
– Barbara Corcoran
If I could create one job in the private sector by helping to grow a business, that would be one more than Congress has created in the last six months.
– Evan Bayh
If bad things are going to be said about me, I have to bear that. If I don't understand that it's part of being in show business, then I'd better go work in a bank.
– Antonio Banderas
If anybody ran a business like that they would be out of business quickly, and Barack Obama's leadership is driving this business, the United States of America, toward a fiscal cliff.
– Chris Christie
If an Internet company steals content, they shut it down. And let me tell you, Apple France, Yahoo France or Google France, none of them have gone out of business.
– Harvey Weinstein
I've set the model of showing fighters how they should conduct their business.
– Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
I've seen so many people in this business that made a fortune. They get old and broke and can't make any money. I tell you something... no one's going to play a benefit for Jimmy Dean.
– Jimmy Dean
I've never written a movie, I'm not in the movie business. I go out to L.A. and I'm like everyone else wandering around in a daze hoping I see movie stars. I write the novels that the movies are based on, and that feels like enough of a job for me.
– Justin Cronin
I've never seen a worse situation than that of young writers in the United States. The publishing business in North America is so commercialized.
– Manuel Puig
I've never gone to acting school and I never will, so I'm learning about the business from the people who are in the business. It doesn't seem like I work at all. And the unknown is always exciting.
– Jonathan Rhys Meyers
I've never considered myself a celebrity or even part of the entertainment business. I'm a cooking teacher.
– Martin Yan
I've never chased fame. I came into this business to be a theatre actress. I was nine when I first appeared on stage. But I can't say I would turn my back on fortune. I'm someone who enjoys the benefits of money.
– Joan Collins
I've made movies that I thought were good. I've made movies that I thought were okay, but then I was very good. And sometimes you're in a movie and you think, I wish more people saw that - because you're good. And it just works out that the movie gets lost. But that's show business.
– Christopher Walken
I've learned the importance of loving what you do. I have also learned more patience due to the nature of the music business.
– Randy Travis